Non profit

Protests against cuts continue

Until the government gives back the 300 million euros it cut from the non profit budget the protests will continue

di Staff

This morning a hundred activists and the representatives of the Italian third sector, non profit associations and voluntary organisations met in Rome outside the Ministry of the Economy. They were protesting against the government’s decision to cut 300 million euros from a fund that many consider the lifeline of the non profit sector.

The protest was made loud and colourful by megaphones, banners, signs and flags. Some of the day’s most popular cries were: “Government cuts wipe out the voluntary sector”, “the government doesn’t keep its promises” and “closed for cuts”. Those who shouted the loudest, however, were the activists of Italy’s most important organizations – Uisp, Federconsumatori, Anpas, Auser, Mcl, Legambiente, Arci and the Third Sector Forum (Forum del Terzo Settore). With their flags waving high in the sky, they tirelessly chanted: “We want the 5 per thousand back!”.

The 5 per thousand, or 5xmille, is a law which enables taxpayers to allocate 0.005 per cent of their income taxes. This year the 5xmille saw its funding cut from 400 million euros to 100 million euros, meaning that many organisations will not receive the donations they are entitled to. For many of these organisations, the 5xmille represents their main source of funding.

Other voice that spoke out were:

Marco Granelli, the president of Italian volunteer centres: “These cuts will stop us from carrying out our social activities”

Tonino Di Matteo, vice president of the christian movement of Italian workers : “We want to believe in the government’s promises, without the 5 per thousand, projects that have already started are going to be canceled”.

Andrea Olivero, spokesperson for the Forum del Terzo Settore closed the demonstration, explaining: “ We believe that the 5 per thousand law can and should be included in the so-called Thousand Extentions decree law that the government will be passing between Christmas and New Year’s Day. But there are technical difficulties that might mean new increases in expenditure. Whatever happens, we have to keep the mobilization alive because without the 5 per thousand, many organisations will not be able to plan their activities for 2011”.

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