Creas Fundo Social, the first completely independent fund in Spain that invests in social enterprise projects, has selected
Bluemove, a Madrid-based car-sharing project, as its first investment, which amounts to 150,000 Euros.
Bluemove Carsharing was born in 2010 with the aim to become the best alternative for private subjects and enterprises for their displacements, in order to make them sustainable and money saving at the same time. The mission is to improve urban mobility making it more efficient, less polluting, reducing the number of private cars. Bluemove currently has 60 cars and more than 4000 users and is present in Madrid, Seville and Bilbao.
Luis Berruete, coordinator of the Fundación Creas, explains on that among all projects they have analyzed, they have chosen Bluemove “because we found Bluemove’s entrepreneurial approach very interesting since it is a clear example of collaborative consumption, specifically of collaborative mobility. We believe it is a sector that will have a great development in Spain over the next years for its positive impact, not only on the environment but also on social habits of consumption in which the value resides in the use and not in property”.
How does Bluemove work in practice? Registered users are given a card through which they can have access to the network of cars, which are at disposal 24 hours a day. Bluemovers only pay for what they use. Bluemove is responsible for maintenance, parking and petrol. Rental prices are around 2 Euros a hour, 0.20 cents per kilometer or 34 euros for an entire day, petrol included.
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