Portugal: Leadership for a new Europe
Euclid reports on their three day leadership development workshop in Lisbon. What emerged was the fundamental value of leadership development to third sector growth.
di Acevo
On September 20-22 Euclid, alongside partners acevo (UK), Ideell Arena (Sweden), CJDES (Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants de l?Economie Sociale, France) Beyond Sustainable Ideas, Cais and Amara (Portugal) organized a three-day leadership development workshop for third sector leaders from across Europe to discuss a range of issues regarding the sectors role in developing a ?new Europe?.
The workshop, that was hosted by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, began Euclid?s first members? convention, followed by plenary sessions with presentations, peers discussions and a study visit to a social enterprise magazine working with homeless people, CAIS. The programme devoted extensive time to informal networking and discussion.
"Euclid Lisbon has set the marker for the development of an exciting forum where European NGO chief executives can develop peer to peer support through shared experience and learning. We are already building on new contacts made" said chief executive of Charity Bank malcom Hayday.
Speakers included Prof. Maria Joao Rodrigues, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for the European Union Presidency, and José António Fonseca Vieira da Silva, Portuguese Minister for Labour and Social Solidarity.
The workshop formed one of a unique series of opportunities for third sector leaders to network, sharing ideas and experiences across European borders. ?During the event I established contacts with leaders of several organizations that offer promising possibilities for concrete and useful partnerships, including one with whom we already agreed on hosting the winner of the first competition for the most socially responsible company in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which my organisation organises. This is a fantastic outcome!? commented Eni Kurtovic
Capacity Building Manager of the Mozaik Foundation (Bosnia – Herzegovina).
Euclid?s first members? convention
Stephen Bubb, Acting Secretary General of euclid, together with fellow founding board members Marianne af Malmborg and Thierry Weishaupt, described the progress of euclid, including the development of euclid?s constitution. They described the projects that euclid will focus on initially: to map the terminology of the third sector in different countries; to review third sector public service provision across Europe; to produce a European code of governance for the sector, including practical tools for its implementation; to develop a concrete leadership development programme, including a European Diploma in third sector leadership; and to develop programmes to empower third sector leaders from Central and Eastern Europe. This was followed by a lively questions and answers session.
A roundtable on the role of the third sector in building a new Europe
Dr Manuel de Lemos explained why Europe must embrace and promote the third sector, which is in a unique position to contribute to a new Europe. Paulo Moreira, described some innovative reform plans with significant implications for the third sector. Thierry Weishaupt followed up describing how the French third sector is working with government to provide services for disabled people. Marianne af Malmborg called for greater third sector professionalism. Margarida Marques described the Communications Strategy of the European Commission.
Keynote Speech by Special Advisor for the EU Presidency
Maria Joao Rodrigues spoke about the importance of the new EU Treaty, and told delegates that their work is crucial for the cohesion and integration of Europe. She called for a global dialogue in order to realise Europe?s development agenda, with civil society playing a crucial role.
Three simultaneous small-group workshops
Three simultaneous workshops were held: Nicole Youern spoke about public service delivery and social enterprise; Eni Kurtovic and Lieve Meersschaert described their leadership in divided communities; and Malcolm Hayday and Tatiana van Lier illustrated some new trends in funding for the sector.
Sector success stories
Lander Unzueta explained the development of the FC Barcelona Foundation?s strategic priorities, and how they are being put into practice. Marco Crescenzi addressed concrete leadership questions in describing the development of Italy?s first third sector leaders? network. Kevin Curley explained the role that local umbrella bodies play in supporting community initiatives, using the example of one woman?s story.
Keynote speech from the Portuguese Minister for Labour
José António Fonseca Vieira da Silva described the framework of the third sector in Portugal, and highlighted the complex and changing relationship between the third sector and the state. In response Carla Duarte described the first project to adapt private sector business consultancy models for the benefit of the third sector in Portugal. Graça Almeida Rodrigues proposed an independent third sector umbrella body for Portugal.
Study visit to CAIS
CAIS is the Portuguese social enterprise magazine which supports homeless people. Director Henrique Pinto gave a tour of the site and introduced delegates to some of the organisation?s beneficiaries. Refreshments were kindly provided by Delta Cafes.
Outcomes of the workshop
The workshop illustrated the complex challenges facing the Portuguese third sector, and the extent of shared issues, common challenges, and the potential of practical learning for third sector leaders across European borders.
Discussions focused on a wide range of issues, including:
- the various paths available for euclid?s development, and the crucial questions that must be answered
- the current social, cultural, and political context within which the Portuguese third sector operates;
- the unique role of the third sector in working with governments to deliver some crucial public services, notably health and social care
In addition there were a number of concrete outcomes:
- Portuguese delegates resolved to work together to develop a Portuguese ?chapter? of euclid, while euclid members from other countries offered their full support (for further information contact the coordinator of the Initiative, Raymond Aitken –;
- José António Fonseca Vieira da Silva gave his support to the initiative
- Prof. Maria Joao Rodrigues heralded euclid?s new approach and invited detailed feedback to her plans for the next cycle of the Lisbon Agenda. Euclid consulted members and submitted a response on 27 September;
- CAIS published a 7 page article about the euclid event.
Participants agreed on the fundamental importance and value of leadership development in equipping the third sector to innovate and grow.
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