PES Women Annual Conference
In 2008 the Party of European Socialists (PES), which has its headquarter in Brussels, has organized the Women Annual Conference on "Women in politics" in Madrid on 29 November.
di Staff
Nowadays, we continue on having in Europe a majority of right-wing governments. And the current situation in gender equality is not good. For instance, although the female employment rate is still increasing, the average unemployment rates for the EU are higher for women than men. On the other hand, despite the fact that we are outperforming men at school and university, the gender pay gap is persistent. It is mainly due gender segregation in the labour market and to direct discrimination in the workplace (women getting paid less than their male counterparts).
The gender pay gap also has its roots in gender stereotypes during education because, in fact, women are under-represented at university level and in the workplace, in maths, science and engineering, and thus very often concentrated in under-values and low-paid jobs. Furthermore, there are also significantly more women in part-time work than men: 32.6% of women in employment, compared to only 7.4% of men.
The main goals of the conference are:
– to remove all kind of discrimination against women;
– to create conditions to make possible the right to conciliate the professional and personal life;
– to finish with the sexual harassment
– the Social Security will protect the maternity of all the women employees; and
– to promote a balanced representation of men and women in all the domains of the Public Administration.
Program of the day:
9.30 Welcome
10.00 – 11.30 Part I: Is democracy possible without parity?
11.30 – 12.00 Coffee Break
12.00 – 13.30 Part II: Towards parity in Europe: different European models.
13.30 – 14.00 Closure morning session
14.00 – 15.30 Lunch
15.30 – 17.30 Part III: She’s got the power!
Interactive session
17.30 – 18.00 Closure
18.00 Reception
Dates & Venue: November 29, Madrid
Find out more:www.pes.org/content/view/128/95/lang,en/
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