Paris opens its doors to innovation

On 10-12 October 2013 Paris Région Lab and the City of Paris invite innovative enterprises to participate to the Open Doors for start-ups.

di Staff

Over the last years Paris has become one of the world’s  innovation capitals. Every day, in all its  districts , new start-ups are born in different areas, from  health, to environment, to design, to digital technology.
More than 300 Parisian start ups, present in more than 30 incubators,  will open their doors to visitors from 10 to 12 October 2013. It will be an opportunity for a  large public to know about Paris innovation scene, to meet inspiring entrepreneurs and  to know about their projects. 
The Open Doors of Parisian Start-Ups (Portes ouvertes des start-ups parisiennes) , this year at its second edition, is an initiative of Paris Région Lab and the City of Paris . During last year’s  edition many thousands of Parisians met  innovative entrepreneurs.  
Find out about collaborative economy,  discuss with surprising entrepreneurs,  test tomorrow’s social networks, learn  about eco-friendly materials… These are only some of the opportunities  that will be open to visitors during the initiative. 
In order to have a large participation of the community of Parisian innovators, start-ups operating outside incubators  are also invited to participate to the initiative through the OFF programme, opening their doors to Parisians.  

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