For the second year in a row,
Paris has been named the best city in the world for students. It is the result of a
study by
QS Best Student Cities, a UK-based research group, that puts Paris at the first place.
London has been voted second because, although described as “a hub of academia”, it is very expensive. Singapore, Sidney and Zurich follow in the ranking. Other cities in the top 20 include Berlin, Melbourne, Montreal, San Francisco and Beijing.
Researchers looked at quality of life and affordability in terms of fees and living costs. They also looked at cities’ student mix, at the number of universities and their overall reputation among employers.
The research team considered cities with a population of more than 250,000 and published the top 50 cities. The USA are the country which has more ranked universities, with 7 university cities, followed by Australia, Canada and the UK.
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