Over 1325 billion arguments for human security
Geneva will host the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in November 21.
di Staff
The main goal of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) is to bring together women of different political beliefs and philosophies who are united in their determination to study, make known and help abolish the causes and legitimization of war. WILPF sees also as its ultimate goal the establishment of an international economic order founded on the principles of meeting the needs of all people and not those of profit and privilege. The International Board Meeting of the WILPF will be held from 19th to 25th of November in Geneva. It is expected to bring together representatives from all 37 WILPF Sections, A seminar will be hold on 21 November (9h40-18h00) to stimulate political discussion. The title, Over 1325 Billion Arguments for Human Security, invokes Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and draws attention to the colossal sum wasted on global military spending annually, revealed in SIPRI’s recently launched 2008 Yearbook to indeed be over 1,325 billion, in fact USD 1,337 billion. During the seminar ICVolunteers will assure the interpretation in the following languages combination: Spanish-English and French-English.
Dates & Venue: November 21, Geneva
Find out more: www.icvolunteers.org
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