Non profit
ONE is looking for a new t-shirt design – yours?
The NPO appeals to members for design ideas

Feel like being charitable but find it all a bit dull?
If so, read on as this may be just the thing for you.
ONE, the American non profit grassroots organization which campaigns to fight extreme poverty and global diseases has launched a call to its 2 million members for a t-shirt design.
In an email to its worldwide network, ONE, whose supporters and spokespeople include Bono and Bob Geldof, instigated the appeal of designing a “top” t-shirt by explaining the rules to their competition as well as how important such a move could be.
“Right now,” the email stated, “ONE has thousands of fair-trade certified, 100% organic African cotton, African-made T-shirts sitting waiting for the perfect design to make them not only a symbol of our work to end global poverty and disease, but a must-have item this holiday season.”
All they are waiting for it seems is a popular touch through a cool, relevant and strong design to go on it.
Candidates should send in their designs here by November 3, after which a panel of specialists will choose three preferred designs. Members will then be given a week to vote on their favourite one.
Chalya Shagaya, a former model and ONE member, who was responsible for writing the ONE email stressed the high impact the right t-shirt design could have on a global scale. It all starts with an “I like your t-shirt, what does it mean?”
Choosing the right clothes in the morning has never been as relevant. So if you have the ideas and the inspiration, get drawing we say!
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