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One in five kids in Malmö live in poverty: report

The southern Swedish city of Malmö has more children living in families with a low standard of living than in any other municipality in Sweden, new statistics show.

di Staff

Nearly one in five children in Malmö – 19 percent – live in families with lower incomes than required to reach the “lowest reasonable standard” of living, according to figures from Statistics Sweden (SCB).

The statistics – which cover 2006 and 2007 – reveal also wide differences in household income levels around the country.

The Stockholm suburb of Danderyd has the highest average standard of living, with a disposable income for families with children more than double that of low income municipalities.

While Danderyd has the highest average standard of living, two other municipalities actually have the lowest percentage of children living in families with a low standard of living. According to SCB, the percentage of families with a low standard of living in Vaggeryd in Jönköping County in central Sweden and Hammarö in Värmland County in western Sweden is just over 2 percent.

Overall, the percentage of children in Sweden living in families with a low standard of living dropped from 8 percent to 7 percent between 2006 and 2007.

However, the percentage of children living in families with a high standard of living jumped from 18 to 30 percent from 2006 and 2007.

TT/David Landes


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