October 2013

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe

di Cristina Barbetta

Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1 October 2013, London, UK, Space for Ideas
1 October 2013, London, UK, How to get ahead in crowdfunding
 1-3 October 2013, Paris, France, Salon des microentreprises  (Micro-Venture Fair)
1-6 October 2013, Lublin, Poland, Social Innovation at the Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress (EEIC)
9 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Workshop on social innovation
10 October 2013, London, UK, The Social Value Act & Demonstrating Social Value
10 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium, URBACT at the OPEN DAYS  2013
10 October 2013, London, UK, The GIIN Investor Forum
11 October 2013, Milan, Italy, Second  European Social Innovation Competition
14-18 October 2013, Oslo, Norway, Oslo Innovation Week
15 October 2013, London, UK, Improving impact measurement and analysis 2013 
15 October 2013, London, UK, FSI Workshop
15-18 October 2013, The Netherlands, The International Fundraising Congress 
 16 October 2013, worldwide, World Food Day
 16-17 October 2013, London, UK , SROI Practitioner  Training
17 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium, PASOS' Wider and Closer Conference
17 October 2013, Budapest, Hungary, Social Innovation Tournament-Final Event
 24-26 October 2013, Antwerp, Belgium, 4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on the Social Economy 
31 October 2013, London, UK, Social enterprise: for charities
1 October 2013, London, UK
Space for Ideas
Space for ideas is an event series that explores the interface between the arts, technology and social enterprise. It strives to create that perfect balance between inspirational talks and collaborative discussions. Space for ideas was co-created by Limewharf, GoodPeople, CIVA, and The Exponentials. Their collective mission is to create a platform where good people can connect, learn, explore and make good ideas happen.
1 October 2013, London, UK 
How to get ahead in crowdfunding  
This workshop will navigate through the myriad  crowdfunding platforms available, look at the most successful campaigns to date, demonstrate  best practices available to ensure the success of participants’ campaigns and offer video production ideas to make the best pitch for their project.
1-3 October 2013, Paris, France 
Salon des microentreprises  (Micro-Venture Fair)
The Salon des micro-enterprises (Micro-Venture Fair) celebrates its 15 years in Paris from 1 to 3 October.
If you are an entrepreneur, if you are the founder or  manager of an small enterprise with less than 20 employees and are looking for advice, this is the event for you! You will meet many entrepreneurship experts, who will answer to your questions  on your project, whether it is about creating your own business, taking over an existing one, or developing it. 
1-6 October 2013, Lublin, Poland
Social Innovation at the Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress (EEIC)
The second Eastern Europe Initiatives Congress (EEIC) will be held in Lublin (Poland), from 1 to 6 October 2013. EEIC is a meeting of the representatives of local governments, central governments, non-governmental organisations, social and education institutions as well as freelance activists and development enthusiasts. The objective of the EEIC is to inspire effective and sustainable cross-border cooperation, to strengthen development cooperation, to integrate circles, to stimulate dialogue between the local and regional governments.  Social Innovation will be one of the leading subject of the Congress. 
9 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium 
Workshop on social innovation
The Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO) is organizing on 9 October 2013 in Brussels a workshop on “Social Innovation and Elderly Workers in the Regions of Visegrad Countries” as a side event to the 11th Week of European Regions and Cities (OPEN DAYS 2013). The workshop will present recent outcomes of project helping elderly people to succeed in labour markets financially supported from Visegrad Fund (Bohemia EU Planners, CZ). It will also showcase social innovation at workplace (SME Novitech, SK) and telemedicine for benefit of citizens by (NTMC, CZ). The future of social innovation policy will be presented by representatives of DG ENTR (EC). 
To read more : http://czelo.cz/
10 October 2013, London, UK
The Social Value Act & Demonstrating Social Value
The Public Services (Social Value) Act, which came into force in January 2013, states that public sector agencies must consider wider social value when commissioning public services. 
This training looks at the implications of the Act for charities and social enterprises – including the big question of whether the Act will make it easier to win contracts.
It also explores the related question of what 'social value' is and the different ways that organizations can show they are delivering it.
10 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium 
URBACT at the OPEN DAYS  2013
URBACT is running a workshop as part of OPEN DAYS, entitled 'URBACT innovation brokers delivering Europe 2020: How cities generate change to meet complex urban challenges'. Cities are key players in the delivery of Europe 2020 objectives. But how well equipped are they to lead the changes that will deliver smart, green and inclusive urban environments? 
Building on lessons from URBACT, this workshop will share practical examples of how cities can generate change in the way they design, implement and monitor innovative urban solutions. We will show how cities can become "innovation brokers" generating new ideas, accessing specialist knowledge, strengthening evidence base, developing new partnerships and co-production processes, going for smart finance, etc. The workshop will challenge participants to dynamise their own urban change management strategies. 
10 October 2013, London, UK
The GIIN Investor Forum 
At this first-ever conference held in partnership by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and the City of London Corporation, more than 300 investment professionals from around the world will come together to discuss and learn about the practice of social and environmental impact investment. Asset owners, asset managers, and other industry experts are invited to share diverse perspectives on impact investing in developed and emerging markets, industry trends and opportunities, and how to best address common challenges.
The main program will occur over a day and a half and is designed to cover topics relevant to both experienced impact investors and those new to the practice. Investors representing financial institutions, pension funds, foundations, development finance institutions, and investment funds will present on plenary panels and breakout sessions covering topics including investment strategy, asset classes, risk and return spectrum, and impact measurement. The Forum will also provide structured breaks to facilitate networking with peers and preeminent experts in the field.
11 October 2013, Milan, Italy
Second  European Social Innovation Competition 
The second edition of the European Social Innovation Competition is about to open. The launch event will take place in Milan on October 11th, in partnership with the Unicredit Bank Foundation. 
The Competition will be launched by Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Enterprise and Industry – together with high-level representatives from Italian authorities and from the Unicredit Group.
The second edition will keep the same focus – how social innovation provides, directly or indirectly, solutions for jobs – and will remain open to individuals and organizations. It will still include a strong coaching component to help the best ideas become real projects.
What difference can social innovation make for jobs? What role can social innovation play in Italy? Those topics will be discussed  in Milan on the 11th of October. 
14-18 October 2013, Oslo, Norway
Oslo Innovation Week
Oslo Innovation Week is the biggest innovation convention in Europe, making the Norwegian capital a central meeting place to discuss opportunities and practices for growth and innovation every year in October. The dates for 2013 are 14-18 October, when about 40 different events with a focus on innovation and growth will be held.
To read more: http://oiw.no/
15 October 2013, London, UK
Improving impact measurement and analysis 2013 
In this current economic climate, measuring effectiveness is becoming an increasing priority for charities in order to secure funds. There is also a growing feeling that measuring impact can help shape the wider organisation’s strategy, if integrated effectively across all services.
Improving Impact Measurement And Analysis is unique in offering both the strategic analysis and practical insights you need to evaluate and shape the way your organisation measures its impact. Learn how the impact measurement landscape is evolving and what it might hold for the future, and gain the latest advice on measuring, understanding and communicating your impact from some of the sector’s leading charities and funders.
15 October 2013, London, UK
FSI Workshop 
The 2013 October FSI Workshop will provide up to 90 charity delegates access to expert speakers who are giving their time to deliver sessions on a variety of topics essential to small charities. Delegates will take away relevant and practical skills from a choice of four interactive workshops throughout the day. Topics include: Marketing and Branding; Policy – Influencing and Campaigning; Cloud Computing; Website Design ‘on a shoestring. 
15-18 October 2013, The Netherlands 
The International Fundraising Congress 
The IFC is the world's showcase for excellence, innovation and inspiration in fundraising.
Showing impact is a key theme at this year's IFC, which has come to its  33rd edition. World-renowned speakers will share their insight, while unrivalled peer-to-peer networking will provide opportunities to learn from colleagues from all over the world.
As in previous years, the programme is made up of two parts – the optional Masterclass programme and the classic IFC programme. Both are designed to help develop the skills to excel in the fundraising career. 
16 October 2013, worldwide 
World Food Day
On October 16, through an initiative of the United Nations, in remembrance of the founding of the FAO (1948), World Food Day seeks to gather food and agriculture stakeholders around its campaigns to find effective and sustainable solutions in f food and nutrition.
This year’s main theme focuses on “sustainable food systems for food and nutrition security.” There are 870 million undernourished people in the world today, and not only due to the lack of resources. Addressing the long-standing issue of hunger also means finding solutions that can be implemented to prevent unsustainable development practices which often cause the degradation and depletion of natural ecosystems.  It is also necessary to thoroughly reassess food lifestyles and agricultural production in the most developed countries, preventing the waste of raw materials, in order to safeguard the future of our planet.
“Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition” will be the focus of World Food Day in 2013.
16-17 October 2013, London, UK 
SROI Practitioner  Training
With the Social Value Act now law, the growing importance for tangible evidence regarding social and environmental value is now a bigger issue than ever before, not just for organisations outwardly seeking to affect change in society but for any organisation or individual who wishes to be accountable for their work. 
The SROI Network training course has been accredited by the Institute of Leadership Management. It, like other courses that contribute to the accredited practitioner status, is delivered by accredited practitioners that are also experienced trainers.
17 October 2013, Brussels, Belgium
PASOS' Wider and Closer Conference 
The PASOS 'Wider and Closer: Influencing EU Policy-Making to Foster Economic Integration and Democratic Development', an international think-tanks’ and policymakers’ conference will be taking place on 17 October 2013, at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU. 
The conference will look at various democratic and economic implications of further European integration
17 October 2013, Budapest, Hungary 
Social Innovation Tournament-Final Event 
The EIB Institute in collaboration with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Demola-Budapest and the European Entrepreneurship Foundation, is holding the Final Event of the 2013 Edition of the Social Innovation Tournament.
Sixteen finalists will present their proposals at this Final Event, to be held at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 17 October 2013. The Final Event will be followed by the awards dinner ceremony.
24-26 October 2013, Antwerp, Belgium
4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on the Social Economy 
The 4th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy (ICOSE) will be organized by CIRIEC-Belgium with the close collaboration of the University of Antwerp on its site on 24-26 October 2013. Ten themes are proposed to articulate the conference topic.
31 October 2013, London, UK
Social enterprise: for charities
More charities than ever are now asking ‘is social enterprise for us?’ This informative, practical one-day event is designed to help participants think through this question and answer it. With case studies and workshops by SEUK staff and contributors, join Social Enterprise UK  to explore what social enterprise really means for your organization in terms of activities, culture and structure and what, realistically, this could mean for you.

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