October 2012

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe

di Cristina Barbetta


Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium,  Europe Social Innovation Prize Launch with President Barroso
1-5 October 2012, Porto, Portugal, Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Get a Deeper Picture
3 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium, Social enterprises and the Europe 2020 strategy: innovative solutions for a sustainable Europe
4-6 October 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy, The Internet as an Innovation Ecosystem
9 October 2012, London, UK, ClearlySo Social Business Conference 2012
09 Oct 2012, Brussels, Belgium, An ecosystem for social entrepreneurship
 9-10 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium, 4th European Innovation Summit
 13 October 2012, TEDx Bologna,  Bologna, Italy, Passion and creativity 
13–  14 October 2012 Dartington, UK, Interrogate! Happiness Festival
15 October 2012, Slovenia, Symbioz@
16-18 October 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Social Enterprise World Forum
18 October 2012, Maribor, Slovenia, Ageing Society, Ageing Culture?
23 October 2012, London, UK, Harnessing the Web to Drive Membership Value and Growth
27-28 October 2012, Oxford, UK, Emerge Conference 
29 October2012, Vienna, Austria, Pioneers Festival 2012
31 October 2012, London, UK, Legal issues: Invest in Social Enterprise
1 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium 
Europe Social Innovation Prize Launch with President Barroso
On 1 October 2012, the President of the European Commission Barroso will launch the Europe Social Innovation Prize. The launch event will take place in Lisbon at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
The prize competition aims at raising awareness of social innovation's potential to foster growth, entrepreneurship and provide solutions for today's challenges. It will engage businesses (including start-ups), social economy and citizens in Europe in a huge range of sectors, thereby creating new connections and job opportunities. It will also include a strong mentoring component that will benefit not only the winners but also the contestants having submitted the best ideas. The award ceremony is expected to take place in May 2013. 
1-5 October 2012, Porto, Portugal 
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Get a Deeper Picture
This workshop is promoted by A3S – Association for the Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship and the Third Sector Sustainability.
During this event debates and group dynamics will be held about social entrepreneurship and innovative solutions to social problems. Ideas, knowledge and experiences will be shared among different European organisations involved in the promotion of social entrepreneurship initiatives.
A3S is a Research and Development Association (R&D), formally created in 2006, grounded on the belief that promoting social entrepreneurship and the third sector sustainability means contributing to the consolidation of alternative forms of sustainable development that are fairer, more equitable, more participative and more inclusive.
3 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium
Social enterprises and the Europe 2020 strategy: innovative solutions for a sustainable Europe
On 3 October 2012, the Various Interests Group will organise a conference at the EESC on the topic 'Social Enterprises and the Europe 2020 Strategy: innovative solutions for a sustainable Europe'. Within the general framework of the 2012 UN International Year of Cooperatives, the objective of the event of the Various Interests Group is to actively support social enterprises as significant actors in the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy and of the Single Market.
4-6 October 2012, Riva del Garda, Italy 
The Internet as an Innovation Ecosystem
European Alliance of Innovators is currently busy organizing the International Summit “Internet as Innovation Ecosystem”, which will take place in Riva del Garda, Trentino Region, (Italy) from October 4 through 6, 2012.
By bringing together a wide range of stakeholders and actors involved in the development and implementation of innovation and future Internet technologies, the three-day Summit will be a real opportunity for participants to discuss the featured topics and gain international acclaim.
9 October 2012, London, UK
ClearlySo Social Business Conference 2012
'Moving capital in a schocked economy'. The western economy has suffered the worst financial crisis since the recession and remains in a state of shock. Debt and equity finance for businesses is increasingly unavailable as leverage is drastically reduced.
However, social finance is in rude health, aided by the advent of Big Society Capital and the actions of myriad investors. The ClearlySo seventh annual Social Business Conference will explore the movement of social investment capital and identify the opportunities for ambitious social entrepreneurs in this fast-growth, ‘boom’ sector.
9 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium 
An ecosystem for social entrepreneurship
The objective of the workshop is to discuss strategies and actions at regional and local levels to support the creation of an ecosystem for social entrepreneurship. It will focus on:
– making the best use of the internal market’s regulatory framework; and
– making the best use of the European Social Fund (ESF) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)  to support the development and expansion  of social entrepreneurship.
After a short presentation of the Commission’s Action Plan and vision of social entrepreneurship as a way to implement the Europe 2020 strategy, as set out in the Social Business Initiative (SBI), the workshop will be divided into two sessions:
1. Presentation of the various possibilities offered by the public procurement and State aid regulatory framework in relation to social enterprises at local level (legislation in force and the new SGI package presented on 20 December 2011).
2. Explore how the financial support under the ESF and ERDF can be used to support the development of social entrepreneurship and the setting up of a favourable regional and local ecosystem. The session will discuss how to set up comprehensive support strategies, and make best use of the investment priority for social enterprises in the next programming period.
To read more: http://socialinnovationeurope.eu/node/3588
9-10 October 2012, Brussels, Belgium 
4th European Innovation Summit
Knowledge4Innovation will be organising the 4th European Innovation Summit from 9 to 10 October 2012 in the European Parliament in Brussels. 
Under the motto “Building bridges – Creating Synergies”, this year’s debates relate to policies relevant for innovation and that are currently under review by the European Parliament, including Horizon2020, Cohesion Policy, COSME and the MFF. 
The summit features an opening reception with Innovation Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn, several thematic sessions throughout two days, breakfasts, lunches and dinner debates, as well as an exhibition in one of the most visible locations of the European Parliament. 
13 October 2012, Bologna, Italy 
TEDx Bologna, Passion and creativity 
Today's world, seen from tomorrow's perspective: all the passion and creativity of cutting-edge thinkers in science, society, economics and technology, who meet in Bologna to join their forces and predict the upcoming future. 
13–  14 October 2012,  Dartington, UK
Interrogate! Happiness Festival
How can we learn to be happy at work, in our families and at school? Is mindfulness the new religion when it comes to happiness? Should the government focus on gritty issues like banks and growth or is their job to make us smile?
Two days of transformative, participative and action orientated discussion, music, comedy, film and spoken word both by and for people who want to make the world a happier place. Try out laughter yoga or Tai Chi, boost your positive thinking and learn to be kinder. Interrogate! Happiness is a new way to explore an important issue and have fun while you do it, whether your interest is professional, personal or both. You can spend an hour, a day or the whole weekend with us. So forget your troubles, come on, get happy!
15 October 2012, Slovenia
Symbioz@ the transslovenian volunteer project, which will be held for the second time and again to connect two generations. The project aims to provide through intergenerational cooperation to raise the computer literacy of older people. During the week of 15th to 19 October 2012, the young people in workshops to be held in libraries, schools and homes throughout Slovenia teach older people computer skills. Such intergenerational cooperation will be an opportunity worth the experience, an experience worthy of remembrance.
16-18 October 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Social Enterprise World Forum
The Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) is the premiere global event focused on supporting the development of social enterprises.
SEWF2012 will include a variety of sessions and speakers to inspire, inform and connect participants. Join 1,000 delegates from 30 different countries, and over 100 speakers in the 10 exciting tracks planned, along with an Investor Day, social enterprise marketplace, social enterprise site visits and study tour, social enterprise awards gala, training workshops, clinics and a pitching place.
The SEWF2012 is being hosted by NESsT, a pioneer of social enterprise since 1997 and in Brazil since 2007, that has supported the development of over 2,600 social enterprises addressing critical social problems in emerging market countries. www.nesst.org.  
18 October 2012, Maribor, Slovenia
Ageing Society, Ageing Culture?
The University Network of the European Capitals of Culture will hold its 6th General Assembly and Annual Conference jointly with the University of Maribor and the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI). The preliminary programme includes sessions on the effect of ageing on modern society, the European Capitals of Culture coming of age, financial and cultural sustainability of the ECoC programme, and the effect of culture on ageing. Speakers come from all over Europe to present their projects, programmes and researches.
23 October 2012, London, UK 
Harnessing the Web to Drive Membership Value and Growth
In the current economic climate charitable membership organizations and associations are under increasing pressure to deliver more for less. Effectively harnessing the web can deliver cost-savings and increase member value and growth. This conference will focus on three critical areas including – The BIG picture (strategy), Website Focus (operational) and Online Social Networking (developmental). Over 21 'pick and mix' sessions will be led by 16 membership professionals/expert speakers and will incorporate 18 membership-related 'success stories' to inspire and enthuse. 
23 October 2012, London, UK 
Harnessing the Web to Drive Membership Value and Growth
This one-day web-focused conference will provide  the insight needed to better harness the web to drive member value and growth.
In the current economic climate charitable membership organizations and associations are under increasing pressure to deliver more for less. Effectively harnessing the web can deliver cost-savings and increase member value and growth. This conference will focus on three critical areas including – The BIG Picture-The Membership Sector and the Web (strategy), Website Focus -A reality Check & How To Get it Right! (operations)  and Online Social Networking Focus-An opportunity or a threat? (developmental).
27-28 October 2012, Oxford, UK 
Emerge Conference 
Emerge engages and connects university students and young professionals aspiring to drive transformational change, with current global change-agents leading entrepreneurial ventures, businesses and sector-defying organisations. Emerge is about “what’s next”: the big ideas, the future leaders, the driving forces challenging the status quo.  It brings to the forefront that which is emerging: new models, markets and movers of transformational change.
Over the two day gathering, participants learn from leading global entrepreneurs about their innovations to address some of the world’s most urgent challenges.  Emerge centres on learning and action; it is a space to gain skills and resources to launch a new venture, to design intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial career pathways, and to provoke new ideas for creating a more sustainable world.
The event is co-designed and co-organised by The Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School and Student Hubs, a student-led organisation working in universities across the UK to engage students with social and environmental issues.
29 October 2012, Vienna, Austria 
Pioneers Festival 2012
The Pioneers Festival is to be held in Vienna on 29-31st of October, at the Hofburg Imperial Palace. It is aimed at 2,500 visitors and will host a main conference and startup competition. The winning startups get €25,000 prize money and applications for the competition are open till September 7th.
With a Halloween closing party, product displays and art installations it should be quite different. The location of Vienna is also pretty convenient for a lot of Central European startups.
31 October 2012, London, UK 
Legal issues: Invest in Social Enterprise
BWB and ClearlySo are working together to enhance the understanding of impact investors and social entrepreneurs around the legal aspects of social investment.
This breakfast is the first in a series of three that will take place throughout the year.
Join us on October 30th to hear from leading experts in the social enterprise field who will share first-hand experience and insight into the mechanics of direct investment.

Cosa fa VITA?

Da 30 anni VITA è la testata di riferimento dell’innovazione sociale, dell’attivismo civico e del Terzo settore. Siamo un’impresa sociale senza scopo di lucro: raccontiamo storie, promuoviamo campagne, interpelliamo le imprese, la politica e le istituzioni per promuovere i valori dell’interesse generale e del bene comune. Se riusciamo a farlo è  grazie a chi decide di sostenerci.