Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
5 October 2011, Manchester, UK, Supercharging Social Finance: The Big Society Bank and Beyond
5 October 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, “I don’t have a job but I’m working on it”
5-7 October 2011, Katowice, Poland, 5th International Conference “Innovative Solutions for Revitalization of Degraded Areas”
10-13 October 2011, Brussels and Warsaw, European Innovation Summit 2011
11 October 2011, London, UK, ClearlySo Social Business Conference 2011
11 October 2011, London, UK, Measuring, Evidencing, Reporting & Communicating Value To Stakeholder Groups & Funders
12 October 2011, Milan, Italy, AIESEC Partner Group Meeting
12 October 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Stakeholder Seminar: The Future of Families
13-14 October 2011, Leuven, Belgium, 5th EuroIndia Summit
17-18 October 2011, Krakow, Poland, First Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion
18 October 2011, London, UK, The first European social franchising conference
19-21 October 2011, Berlin, Germany, CEV General Assembly and Symposium “Volunteering and Active Citizenship:Two sides of the same coin?”
20-23 October 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, 20th Volonteurope Conference
26 27 October 2011, Oberschleissheim, Germany, “Volunteering and gainful employment in Europe”
26-29 October 2011, London, UK, One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership
5 October 2011, Manchester, UK
Supercharging Social Finance: The Big Society Bank and Beyond
With the launch of the UK government’s Big Society bank, policy makers industry experts alive are exploring new approaches to social finance and blended investment models. Social and ethical finance is changing on an international scale, which allows the Big Society Bank the opportunity to lead social innovation trends worldwide. The event will examine environmental, social and governance best practice in existing private finance institutions, and explore the opportunities and challenges for extending impact investment and blended finance models.
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5 October 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
“I don’t have a job but I’m working on it” – Talent development in the Netherland
The workshop will gather around 50 stakeholders and practitioners, discussing the latest developments at EU level on active inclusion policies. The conference will also feature the presentation of several successful local practices aimed at supporting the active inclusion of young people, and particularly their integration into the labour market.
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5-7 October 2011, Katowice, Poland
5th International Conference “Innovative Solutions for Revitalization of Degraded Areas”
The conference will be devoted to natural and landscape, technological and engineering, design and planning, economical, financial and social aspects of revitalisation of degraded areas.
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10-13 October 2011, Brussels and Warsaw
European Innovation Summit 2011
Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) and its partners are organizing for the third time, the European Innovation Summit (EIS). This year’s summit is taking place from 10 to 13 October in two parts: in Brussels, for which President Jerzy Buzek has granted the patronage of the European Parliament, and as a Ministerial Conference and one of four flagship Polish Presidency events, in Warsaw.
Under the motto “Towards a European Innovation Ecosystem” the 3rd EIS will be organised in two major events. In Warsaw the focus will be on adapting EU research and innovation policies to national and regional contexts, and on increasing synergies between different policy areas. In the European Parliament in Brussels, participants will discuss the role of people and talent for innovation and the challenges of innovation funding and financing.
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11 October 2011, London, UK
ClearlySo Social Business Conference 2011
The ClearlySo Social Business Conference has become a major fixture for anyone interested in the social business and enterprise sector. This event will provide practical, no nonsense advice from leading experts in their field to who runs a social enterprise. This is the place where potential investors can learn more about the sector and meet entrepreneurs who can make their money go further. For newcomers, meanwhile, this is the perfect environment to learn about the sector and make new contacts.This year’s theme is ‘All shapes and sizes’. Social business and enterprise in all its forms will be celebrated – from profitable and growing businesses to small organizations driving huge benefits to their local community.l
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11 October 2011, London, UK
Measuring, Evidencing, Reporting & Communicating Value To Stakeholder Groups & Funders
In a tight funding environment, there is growing pressure on charities to place a monetary value on the work that they do and provide evidence of their impact. This can help them both to improve their services and to strengthen fundraising and bids for service contracts. There is a need for charities to adopt new approaches to measuring their impact and demonstrating the value of their services, to show that their work is making a real difference.
Third Sector’s inaugural Impact Measurement & Analysis Conference will provide tools, discussion and advice to help charities demonstrate their impact.
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12 October 2011, Milan, Italy
AIESEC Partner Group Meeting
The main theme of the event will be CSR seen from young people and enterprises’ point of view; the objective is to deepen the knowledge of concrete practices of CSR for those enterprises that decide to support the initiatives of nonprofit organizations, discussing advantages and opportunities to cooperate with a young organization that is aware of global problems.
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12 October 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Stakeholder Seminar: The Future of Families
Organized in the frame of the European Alliance for Families, the event will look at the contribution that families are making to European societies. Experts, representatives of EU institutions and national ministries and NGOs will discuss how EU societies are faring with the rise in family form diversity and the overall delay in family formation. The closing policy debate will focus on what kind of robust policies can best facilitate family formation and support families irrespective of their form.
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13-14 October 2011, Leuven, Belgium
5th EuroIndia Summit
Following the success of the EuroIndia Summits in Halle, Germany (October 2010), Valladolid, Spain (October 2009) and Goa, India (April 2008 and February 2007), the EuroIndia Centre has decided to hold its 5th EuroIndia Summit in Leuven (Belgium), home to the oldest university in the Benelux.
The 5th EuroIndia Summit will take place on 13 and 14 October 2011 and will be hosted by the city of Leuven, the EuroIndia Centre, the Confederation of Indian Industry, the University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven) and the nano-electronics and nano-technology research center ‘imec’. The focus of this year’s EuroIndia Summit is on “Smart, Sustainable & Innovative Cities”.
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17-18 October 2011, Krakow, Poland
First Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion
This first Annual Convention, organized by the European Commission with the Polish Presidency, will be the first stage of a transition to the Convention’s final format. Its key objective is to give visibility and political weight to the European Platform against Poverty and build support across various policies and institutions, different levels of government and civil society actors.
The Convention will build on the lessons learnt from the European Year on Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010 and will bridge between the objectives of the Year and the social objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.
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18 October 2011, London, UK
The first European social franchising conference
The first annual European Social Franchising Network conference will look at the impact of social franchising across Europe. It will share best practice and look at financing the growth of social franchising. Leading exponents of social franchising will be sharing what they have learnt with policy makers from European Commission, governments and agencies across Europe.
The conference is a part of the work programme of the Better Future for Social Economy learning network ( The network is coordinated by European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authorities and is ESF funded.
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19-21 October 2011, Berlin, Germany
CEV General Assembly and Symposium “Volunteering and Active Citizenship:Two sides of the same coin?”
This Symposium is co-organised with CEV’s member organisation National Network for Civil Society (BBE), in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 Tour Relay in Germany. It will bring together over 200 professionals from the volunteering sector as well as decision-makers, and other relevant stakeholders, and it will strive to further grasp the link between volunteering and active citizenship; to ensure a space for debate starting from concrete, specific projects implemented at local level by comparing and contrasting similar projects from across Europe and to identify the most effective ways to empower citizens to be active through volunteering.
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20-23 October 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland
20th Volonteurope Conference
The 20th Annual Volonteurope Conference: ‘Make a Difference by Volunteering!’ will be delivered in partnership with CSV in Scotland. Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, has been chosen as the location for this event, celebrating not the 20th anniversary of Volonteurope’s European Conferences in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011.
The conference will also be celebrating the 5th Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards. The Awards Ceremony in Edinburgh, on Friday 21 October 2011, will recognize the invaluable contribution of individual volunteers and volunteer-involving organizations to social cohesion and Active Citizenship in Europe.
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26 27 October 2011, Oberschleissheim, Germany
“Volunteering and gainful employment in Europe” –
Challenges and models of organizational and social policy
The coexistence and interaction of volunteering and paid work – voluntary activities, livelihood security and market-oriented behavior – is a currently turbulent field of interest in practice, theory and politics of civic commitment in Germany and other EU countries. The goal of the conference is to facilitate national and European exchanges between associations and organizations of civil society on policies, strategies and pilot projects at the interface between volunteering and paid work.
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26-29 October 2011, London, UK
One Planet, Many Worlds: Remapping the Purposes of Leadership
More than 700 Leadership scholars, practitioners, and educators from close to fifty countries gather each year at ILA’s annual Global Conference to present their finest research and scholarship, compelling ideas, best practices, newest teaching techniques, and unique stories from the field. Leadership in all its multifaceted and multicultural complexity is examined through an exciting combination of preconference workshops, concurrent sessions, and keynote speakers.
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28 October – 3 November 2011, London, UK
European Year of Volunteering 2011 London
Organizations which work with volunteers across the UK are being invited to join the event and present their work and achievements to celebrate volunteering across the UK and Europe.
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