
Obama’s first 100 days

Sign Amnesty International's petition asking the US President Elect to act quickly on human rights.

di Vita Sgardello

The election of Barack Obama to the US presidency opens new opportunities for an end to the seven-year assault on human rights by the US administration, says human rights organisation Amnesty International. The organization is calling for certain concrete steps in his first 100 days in office that would demonstrate a genuine commitment to bringing the USA into line with its international obligations.   

Amnesty International’s appeal

The new president will have the authority to rectify some of the unlawful policies and practices adopted during his predecessor’s term in office in the name of counter-terrorism and national security. In particular he should:

– Announce a plan and date to close Guantánamo;

– Issue an executive order to ban torture and other ill-treatment, as defined under international law;

– Ensure that an independent commission to investigate abuses committed by the US government in its “war on terror” is set up.

To read the full checklist download the attachment

Take action now! Sign the petition


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