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Obama: Harnessing the web for change

Italian advertising guru Gavino Sanna explains the key to Obama’s success: a perfect campaigning machine and an artful internet strategy.

di Staff

An unthinkable thought. This is how Gavino Sanna, Italian advertising guru, summarizes the Obama factor. Sanna knows America well as he has worked and lived there for years. More than that he can boast having worked on an American electoral campaign: the campaign that got Nixon re-elected in 1972. He is also the inventor of  the then successful slogan: “America works, if you do”. A slogan that sounds very Obama-like, come to think of it.

Sanna has no doubts about what happened in America on November 4. “It was the result of a perfect campaign. What was unthinkable – a black man at the White House- became true, he fulfilled the expectations of the majority. Everything has really changed, those who had the courage to understand this desire for change has won”.

What is new about Obama’s campaign?

The use of internet. This was the key to his success. Obama understood that the old systems were not enough and that a one-to-one system that only the web could offer was needed. The precision with which he used the web was another aspect of his success. Once you answered an email once they never let go of you. They showed lots of realistic cynicism in this.

What do you mean?

You find yourself at their mercy. They lead you straight to where you wanted to go and this was their strength. And once you were there, how could you say “no thanks”? America wanted to be part of something, Obama managed this and won.

So internet was the weapon of success?

Of course. But there people there who knew how to use it well. They never always got to you at the right moment, they never wasted time. It was successful also because after the third or fourth step it was natural that they would ask for a donation and at that point you couldn’t refuse. This way, along with consensus came the money. It was a perfect machine, I admire those that invented and assembled it.

Can we expect a similar campaign outside the US?

No, I can’t. There are other places where political actors unexpectedly gather an unforeseen consensus: look at Berlusconi’s ascent in Italy, for example. But America is the only place where people are capable of using the internet so successfully, where technology can be maximised and blended with the “feel good” culture that only they seem to feel so deeply.

How successful was the slogan “yes we can”?

Slogans are always good when you win. I think MaCain’s “Country first” was good too. But he lost, so its not good anymore!

Are there any other electoral campaigns comparable to Obama’s?

Perhaps Mitterand’s, in 1981: “Calm strength”. Obama has renewed that old slogan to perfection. He convinced America that it could trust him, that he will care about everyone, not as a mass, but one by one. The surprise has been that this role was played by a black man, even though I myself call him “cappuccino”. This was the really unthinkable thought.


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