Non profit
No more cuts!
Interview with Ivan Cooper of The Wheel, a network of Irish NGOs
Why are organisations like The Wheel fighting so hard to save Ireland’s third sector? “Really there is hardly any area of social service that doesn’t involve voluntary organisations in one way or another,” responds Ivan Cooper, head of advocacy for the organisation. The Irish government has said it will cut an additional €3 billion from the 2011 budget; Cooper says no more cuts.
He says cuts will have a detrimental impact on vulnerable groups in Ireland, besides, he argues, the government has other options. His organisation is advocating that the government raise taxes to help cover the costs of the economic recovery, “to ensure that vulnerable people who are dependent on social services aren’t the ones who pay the whole price for the recovery.”
Why should the government raise taxes instead of cutting social services?
In Ireland we have a very low total tax intake. Our total tax take is less than 29 per cent of the national GDP, whereas the average European national tax take is nearer to 40 per cent. Our simple point is that in Ireland we cannot have a European level of social services if we have such a low tax take. Civil society and social organizations are urging the government to move the tax take up to just under 35 per cent of the GDP. It would enable us to insure that vulnerable people who are dependent on social services aren’t the ones who pay the whole price for the recovery.
How are Ireland’s most vulnerable paying for the economic recovery?
In Ireland a disproportionate number of more vulnerable and poorer people use state services. People who are able to purchase private health insurance won’t be affected by cuts in public provision. We are arguing that instead of achieving the €3 billion in cuts, a significant portion of it should be achieved through abolishing tax breaks for well-off people.
What services are provided by the third sector in Ireland?
Really, there is hardly any area of social service that doesn’t involve voluntary organisations in one way or another.
Can the third sector survey more government spending cuts?
According to a survey we did, over 80 per cent of organisations have already had to cancel projects due to cut backs in funding and over 20 per cent have had to make staff redundant this year. The worry is that if this quantity of funding is taken away from Irish charities and community groups, then many will not be able to carry on with their work.
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