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New GEM Manifesto: Against Silence

Citizens for European Macedonia’s call to speak up about the country’s Governement

di Staff

The Initiative “Citizens for European Macedonia” (GEM) published its second manifesto, Against Silence – result of a series of debates held all over Macedonia and of dramatic meetings with the citizens – aiming at calling on intellectuals, free-thinking citizens and those who refuse to be apologetic of the Government to speak up about the situation in the country.

GEM‘s initiators raise their voice against the silence of intelligentsia, business community, academia, medical profession, writers, journalists, architects, artists, commanders, bishops, asking: who will define the responsibility of those who hide the robbery behind the cloak of patriotism and their accomplices?

Branko Geroski, Nikola Gelevski, Mersel Bilali, Roberto Belicanec, Žarko Trajanoski and Vladimir Milcin say that silence is bad for the country.

Dialogue is needed, conflict is needed, we need to build and preserve strong public opinion.

Fear should not be allowed to rule the citizens.

Macedonia is a democratic republic in which the citizens have the right to discuss the problems, GEM says.

The text of this second manifesto is available for download (in Macedonian) on GEM website.



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