National Lottery sales defy recession
Ticket sales up £25m and could lead to more ambitious grant funding
di Staff
As reported by Kaye Wiggins of Third Sector Online, sales of National Lottery tickets raised £25.8m more for charities in 2008/09 compared with the year before, according to the Camelot Group, which sells the tickets.
The organisation said it raised more than £1.3bn for good causes in the past year, the highest figure since 1999, because of a rise in ticket sales.
A Camelot spokesman said 28p from every £1 spent on National Lottery tickets was given to charities and community projects. Increased ticket sales were due to the introduction of new lottery games, a new website and upgrades to National Lottery terminals, he said.
A spokeswoman for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, which is responsible for the administration of the National Lottery, said the extra money would allow the 15 distributors of lottery funds to be more ambitious when considering applications for grants.
She said: “Distributors will welcome these results as they prove the economic downturn is not yet having an adverse effect on income for good causes.”
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