Muslims and PIGS: Who’s under Threat?

di Filippo Addarii

Last week I was cc in an email chain that started in my home town Bologna and propagated across the country. Some of my relatives were involved as well. It’s not the first time but it was the same topic: WE ARE UNDER THREAT.

The murder of 16 a year old Turkish girl buried alive by her family because she hung out with male fellows. The Italian nation is threatened because dominant postmodern liberalism (the Pope would call it relativism) is weak in front of the advance of Islam infiltrating through immigrants and concessions of liberal institutions such as the European Union made to uncivilized nations.

The email launched an appeal to save Italian values, to save Europe from its own weaknesses. My uncle, involved in the group, called for a new Crusade against Islam as the cradle of evil.

What would be your reaction if you received such a message? Do you feel under threat?

The Italians were shocked by the murder and felt they had to do something. They considered involving media, schools and institutions. The girl had to be honored as a ‘martyr’ and Turkey forbidden from joining the EU.

There is no need to mention that justice has to be done. However, such a murder is probably not uncommon where poverty and ignorance thrives. This was the case in the countryside of Southern Italy in 1981 when delitto d’onore – muder of unfaithful wife – was banned by law.

I find it interesting that the Italians have mobilized: moving from an objective fact to paranoia. The country is shaken by a fear of invasion which compounds immigration, Islam, moral and economic decadence. The crisis is harnessed by old incompetent leaders who keep themselves in power by playing with people’s sense of insecurity.

The Italians fear the Muslim invasion, the rest of Europe fears the economic decadence of Italy and the other PIGS: the financial crisis hitting Greece might spread across the Euro members with high public debit, debit, and public spending, low growth, and weak governance.

The problem of Italy and the other PIGS are not Muslims or immigrants but people’s lifestyle. Especially in Italy where citizens live beyond their means, don’t work enough, and elect geriatrics and/or incompetent leaders. sSnging and dancing while Rome is burning.

Italians are obsessed by an imaginary foreign threat whilst their main liability lies with themselves. They are unprepared for a globalizing society and don’t make any effort to adapt.

People like me – dynamic, innovative and hard-working – had to leave the country to succeed abroad as recently I complained again in an interview with Radio24 and in cervelli in fuga… leaving behind the inept who live with mummy until their mid-30s.

Italian society is not only self-indulgent but ageing. Immigration is the only source of fresh blood and minds. Immigrants can provide it.

Actually, PIGS don’t realize that Muslims are the solution. Muslims from Middle East and Africa will compensate the low birth rate providing cheap labour for the next decades. Moreover, their countries are the new frontier for European expansion, new markets. Already Morocco is more economically integrated than Ukraine.

On the other hand PIGS can be the bridge between the north and south coasts of the Mediterranean. They can reunite Mare Nostrum enhancing a political rebirth in Arab countries first of all. Countries like Italy don’t have a strong government but a vibrant civil society. The latter can lead on this especially if the European Union supports its efforts developing adequate funding programme such as a Mediterranean Erasmus.

We could actually start this year. During the Spanish presidency a re-launch of the Union of Mediterranean has been planned together with several events. Unfortunately the Egyptian co-presidency is not happy with civil society taking part in institutional events. Actually the Egyptian government has excluded civil society from the official agenda.

Isn’t it time for the EU to remind Egypt that there isn’t economic cooperation without civil society?

I have strong ideas about Muslims and multicultural society,  as well as governments which don’t respect our free society. I expect the same firmness from the EU.

Are we scared by Islamic vote? I’m not. European coutnries were led by Christian parties after the crisis fowlloing the Second World War. Turkey is ruled by AKP, a party like the Christian Democrats but Muslim. It’s doing pretty well. However, there is more work to do in the countryside and the prospect of the European integration can only help.

Turkey can be the bridge between Europe and Islam.. together with the PIGS. I’m working on it. Next step: BMW Foudnation’s European Young Leaders Forum in Istanbul this June.

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