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MSF launches a camp online
Make a (virtual) tour in a refugee camp and meet challenges facing some 42 million people uprooted by war
di Staff

Imagine you have been forced to leave your own country because of war.
You live in a refugee camp, and you are desperate to survive:
where will you find food?
where will you find water?
where will you go to the bathroom?
To make you experience the life of a refugee, to make you aware of the challenges that 42 million people all around the world daily face, the U.S. section of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has developed an interactive guide, available on its website.
There are two ways for surfing the website: clicking on the arrows on the suitcase, following a refugee step by step in his odyssey, from flight to life in a camp; or clicking on the icons highlighting the different phase and challenges of a refugee’s life.
The guide is also available as a pdf document.
“I am from Mogadishu, I had a family there. I was working as a driver. One day, I went to work as usual and when I came back from work, I saw a lot of people who gathered around my house. A missile had fallen on my house, killing my wife, two of my children and my mother. Fortunately one of my children survived, because he was not at home that moment, he was at Quranic school. After that, I decided to leave Somalia with my son.“
Like this young man, 32, from Mogadishu in Somalia, many are the displaced persons all around the world.
From different countries, escaping different conflicts. But facing the same challenges: flight with the family, find a shelter where to live, find food and water, not get sick.
Nowadays, 42 million around the world are uprooted people: people who have been forced to flee their homes and seek refuge. Of these, 16 million are refugees (people who cross national borders to escape conflicts or generalized violence) and 26 million are internally displaced persons (IDPs, people who have fled for safety within the borders of their home country).
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural and man-made disasters, and exclusion from health care.
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