Microfranchise Solidaire, a new form of social entrepreneurship

Launched by Adie, France’s pioneer microcredit organization, it is one of the 15 projects selected by the President of the French Republic in the framework of "La France s’engage",that accelerates socially useful projects. Everyone can give ideas to help solve Adie’s challenge: imagine new concepts of microfranchise that they could launch. Give your idea on MakeSense’s website!

di Cristina Barbetta

Microfranchise Solidaire (Social Microfranchise) is a new form of social entrepreneurship inspired to franchising, that aims to propose  people excluded from the job market,  with little or no professional qualification,  the creation of “turnkey” micro-businesses. It has been conceived in 2009 by Adie,  the pioneer microcredit organization in France. 
Adie’s Microfranchise  is one of the 15 projects selected by the President of the French Republic in the framework of La France s’engage, that aims to identify, enhance, support and facilitate the development of socially innovative initiatives, carried voluntarily by private subjects, associations, foundations at the service of society’s new challenges. Everyone can give ideas or inspiration that could help solve Adie’s challenge: imagine new concepts of microfranchise that they could launch with their partners. Give your idea online  on MakeSense’s website and participate to MakeSense’s workshop on 30-31 July in Paris. MakeSense is a growing global community which main objective is to boost the impact of social entrepreneurs by connecting them to interested people who have the skills to help solve their problems and challenges. 
Adie identifies, analyzes, supports and incubates projects of social microfranchise. Today, thanks to  this innovative tool, Adie has created more than 100 lasting jobs. Microfrachisees  are micro-entrepreneurs, whose  initial investment is limited to 10,000 Euros and who can be financed thanks to Adie’s microcredit. They can also benefit from the support of Adie for the creation of their activity. 
Microfranchisees join a network allowing them to use a brand, commercial methods, shared services  and to continually benefit from  training.  A network of social microfranchise  is  made of independent  micro-entrepreneurs trained and supported by an enterprise which is the “head of the network”, providing them shared services  that they could not otherwise be  able to access by themselves.
The objective is to create from 10 to 12 sustainable activities of social microfranchise, with the potential to create from  3000 to 5000 jobs over the next 10 years.
The association relies on an investment  solidarity fund  called “Adie Microfranchise Solidarie Investissement” (AMSI), bringing together engaged investors. This fund supports microfranchise  activities through acquisition of a stake in  the projects. 
So far two activities have already been launched: 
Chaffeur & Go: a cooperative proposing  a service of “driver without car”: professional drivers who drive private individuals’ and company personnel’s cars  in situations where users can’t or don’t want to drive themselves: company managers who want to save time, cases of disability, loss of license, age, etc… 
La Microfranchise O2 Adie (LMFOA): this network proposes gardening services to private individuals. It is developed in partnership with “O2 home services”, the main actor offering services for individuals and families in France;  Microfranchisees  also benefit from  O2 brand, from the transmission of technical and commercial  expertise  of the enterprise, and from  a continuous assistance, as well as  from shared services to develop their activity in an exclusive zone. 



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