Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland, Geneva Forum on Social Change
3 May 2013, London, UK, “How You Can Grow Your Charity By Being More Social”
6-7 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium, 2013 Demography Forum: Investing in Europe’s demographic future
7 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Healthcare in times of austerity: Boosting cost-effective prevention
8 May 2013, London, UK, Introduction to Social Value
9 May 2013, Turin, Italy, AIESEC Youth to Business Forum
13 May 2013, Brighton And Hove, UK, Ride the Wave: Starting a social enterprise
13 May 2013, Bled, Slovenia, First international co-conference “CSR – from coincidence to strategy”
14-17 May 2013, Castrocaro, Italy, Italian Festival of Fundraising
15 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Saving Europe's "Lost Generation"
15 May 2013, Lugano, Switzerland, Social Business Conference 2013
22-24 May 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Global conference on sustainability and reporting
23 May 2013, İstanbul, Turkey, EuroAsia Social Business Forum
28-29 May 2013, London, UK, B4E Climate Summit 2013: Net Zero, Climate positive
29 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Poverty and social exclusion: What role for regions and cities?
29-31 May 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, Save the Planet
30 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium, Senior Entrepreneurs and Youth Employment Conference
31 Maggio 2013- 2 June 2013, Bonn, Germany, Resilient Cities 2013- 4th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation
1 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva Forum on Social Change
The 2012 Geneva Forum on Social Change provides a platform to discuss and showcase models of development in times of economic crisis and persistent social divides. Under the theme of “Innovation & Co-creation for Development”, it brings together entrepreneurs, managers from businesses, NGOs, International Organizations, and academia to focus on innovation and partnership as tools for global change.
The event is organized by the International Organizations MBA (IOMBA) and incorporates panel discussions, workshops, film screenings, an exhibition and great networking opportunities. We are committed to providing a free, world-class collaborative conference event in the city of Geneva!
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3 May 2013, London, UK
“How You Can Grow Your Charity By Being More Social”
A social media training specifically aimed at charitable and voluntary organizations.
In today’s tough economic climate many charities are feeling the pinch, with a cut in government grants, and people cancelling their monthly donations. Is your charity struggling to generate the finances you need to continue to provide your usual services? Are you finding that not so many people are willing to volunteer? You can make a big difference by engaging with potential donors and supporters who are already online! Social media is a low cost, but effective method of reaching your target supporter or donor at the click of a button. If you want to transform your organisation.
6-7 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium
2013 Demography Forum: Investing in Europe’s demographic future
The fourth Demography Forum will take place on 6-7 May in Brussels and focus on investing for Europe’s demographic future.
The debate will bring together researchers, policy-makers and social partners at a high level.
The forum will feature 4 workshops on the following topics: Investing in the potential of young adults; Improving work-life balance; Enable people to be active longer; Successful inclusion of second-generation migrants.
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7 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Healthcare in times of austerity: Boosting cost-effective prevention
Friends of Europe is organising a Café Crossfire Lunch Debate "Healthcare in times of austerity: Boosting cost-effective prevention". The debate will discuss the challenges and opportunities of prevention in healthcare in times of austerity, with a particular emphasis on the public health and economic benefits of the influenza vaccination.
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8 May 2013, London, UK
Introduction to Social Value
What is social value? And how do we measure it?
This one day event is brought to you by The SROI Network and Social Enterprise UK as an introduction to social value.
The SROI Network is a membership organisations owned by its members. SROI is a frame-work based on social generally accepted accounting principles (SGAAP) that can be used to help manage and understand the social, economic and environmental outcomes created by your activity or organisation.
Social Enterprise UK is the national body for social enterprise and our members include social enterprises, charities, public sector bodies and private businesses. We are strategic partners to six government departments and led on the award-winning campaign for the passage of the Public Services (Social Value) Act.
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9 May 2013, Turin, Italy
AIESEC Youth to Business Forum
Following last year’s great success, the Youth to Business Forum, AIESEC’s international event aiming at fostering youth entrepreneurship, comes back to Italy.
AIESEC Italia has decided to organize the Forum to make Italian talent emerge and give young people the opportunity to realize their successful entrepreneurial ideas.
The event, which will take place at Turin University-Department of Economics, will revolve around four leading issues these days: innovation, environmental sustainability, nutrition and diversity. Companies and youth will deal with these issues during the Forum. Around 300 students coming from all Italy are expected to attend the event.
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13 May 2013, Brighton And Hove, UK
Ride the Wave: Starting a social enterprise
Social enterprises and charities are an essential aspect of business and community life, but they fail often because the good intentions are let down by poor business acumen.
This interactive workshop, aimed at social entrepreneurs, is designed to show how to build a social enterprise that’s also a successful business – where calling and cashflow meet on mutually respectful terms.
13 May 2013, Bled, Slovenia
First international co-conference “CSR – from coincidence to strategy”
The Network for Social Responsibility of Slovenia will be hosting its first international co-conference on "CSR – from coincidence to strategy". The Network will be co-organizing the event with Studio Moderna and Ekvilib Institute.
The conference will consist of plenary sessions and dynamically designed workshops and will bring together numerous Slovenian and foreign CSR practitioners and experts, who will focus on how to: integrate CSR into long-term business strategy, manage the supply chain in a socially responsible way, invest in employee development and work environment, support the operation of social enterprises, develop employment opportunities and develop the skills needed to match market demand
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14-17 May 2013, Castrocaro, Italy
Italian Festival of Fundraising
This will be the 6th edition of the Italian Festival of Fundraising (Festival del Fundraising), which continues to be the largest and richest event in Italian fundraising. The Festival covers three days
and hosts around 600 participants coming from Italy and abroad.
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15 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Saving Europe's "Lost Generation"
With rising unemployment, especially among members of Europe’s younger generation, there is a need to put the issue of skills and education high up on the agenda. Simultaneously, there are millions of unfilled jobs in Europe. Friends of Europe’s skills and education summit will bring together senior stakeholders for a lively debate on the future of Europe's employment and education policies. Sessions will address, amongst other topics, the skills mismatch, education systems and possible gaps, how entrepreneurship should be encouraged, what role for all stakeholders and what an EU-wide jobs strategy should look like.
This summit is organised in association with the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU, with the support of Eurofound, and will welcome Ruairí Quinn, Irish Minister for Education and Skills, and Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism & Youth, amongst others.
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15 May 2013, Lugano, Switzerland
Social Business Conference 2013
The Social Business Conference 2013 is organized by Social Business Earth. The keynote speaker for the event will be Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Muhammad Yunus, pioneer of microcredit and creator of the social business model. Social Business Earth organizes the annual Social Business Conference with the aim of raising awareness on social business and spearheading new social business initiatives in the private, public and social sectors.
22-24 May 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Global conference on sustainability and reporting
The 2013 Global Conference on Sustainability and Reporting will unite over 1500 delegates from business, finance, accountancy, consultancy, civil society, government, labor and academia. These sustainability leaders will connect, share knowledge, and collaborate – to accelerate the transition to a sustainable global economy. The theme of this year’s Global Conference on Sustainability and Reporting is Information – Integration – Innovation
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23 May 2013, İstanbul, Turkey
EuroAsia Social Business Forum
The 1st EuroAsia Social Business Forum will be held on May 23rd in İstanbul.
The mission of the forum is to bring together like-minded people and organizations to help achieve scalable social impact through social business. Istanbul as the intersection of two civilizations will become the hub between Europe and Asia for inclusion of people from both sides. This event will be held every two years to create a sustainable eco-system of social businesses in the country.
The forum will feature interesting speeches of experts in the field and workshop sessions. Speakers include Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and Her Majesty Queen Sophia of Spain.
The EuroAsia Social Business Forum will serve as the first step in fashioning a bond amongst entrepreneurs, social innovators and leading experts from corporations, civil society, governments and academia from Asia and Europe. Innovators will share their ground-breaking ideas in order to favour and facilitate a people-centric integration process.
The forum will also raise the awareness of the potential role that social business can play in the region and establish a knowledge exchange hub in İstanbul.
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28-29 May 2013, London, UK
B4E Climate Summit 2013: Net Zero, Climate positive
B4E, Business for the Environment, is the leading international platform for dialogue and partnership solutions for the environment. Themed “Net Zero, Climate positive”, B4E Climate Summit 2013 will present strategies of leading global businesses committed to net zero carbon emissions and the most cutting edge innovations for climate positive impact. Business leaders will share their plans to sequester more carbon than they emit, organise more renewable energy generation than energy consumed and new business models that deliver customer carbon savings. High-level working groups will bring together leaders from business, government and NGOs to commit to action and shape policies that enable industry-wide transformation. The Summit will cover topics that include building low carbon smart cities, accelerating low carbon innovation for business operations, across different industries (agriculture and forestry, renewable energy, consumer goods, information technology, and transport and mobility)
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29 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Poverty and social exclusion: What role for regions and cities?
Some 16% of the population of the EU, including 20 million children and nearly 10% of the working population, live on less than 60% of their country's average household income. These figures have increased with the economic crisis and vary significantly between Member States and regions. EU regional and local governments are responsible for about one fifth of total government expenditure for social protection and services and therefore play an important role in this policy area.
The Committee of the Regions' conference "Poverty and social exclusion: What role for regions and cities?" is the fourth in a series of seven events covering the Europe 2020 strategy flagship initiatives.
29-31 May 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
Save the Planet
Save the Planet’ Exhibition encourages the technology transfer to the South-East European market, which is in a major need of advanced equipment in the waste management, recycling and environment sectors.
It will provide participants with a quick market entry opportunity – they will meet face-to-face new partners and customers, searching for innovative products & services needed to achieve their waste minimization and recycling goals.
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30 May 2013, Brussels, Belgium
Senior Entrepreneurs and Youth Employment Conference
On 30 May 2013, Seniors Entrepreneurs is co-organizing a conference in Brussels on “Senior Entrepreneurs and Youth Employment” with the European Union and Age Platform Europe.
The event will be opened by the Chairman of the Committee of the Regions or his representative. Max Uebe, DG Employment of the European Commission will then address the conference on the theme of "Youth employment and seniors"
On the topic of "Youth Employment: A Challenge for the Regions and Local Authorities", four local or regional collectives will comment on their employment problems and the measures they have implemented or intend to implement to meet the employment rate of young and / or active seniors in their area.
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31 Maggio 2013- 2 June 2013, Bonn, Germany
Resilient Cities 2013- 4th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation
The Forum will address the following topics: Risk and vulnerability assessment, Adaptation and resilience planning and policy making, Multi-stakeholder and community-based collaboration, Governance, Implementing specific adaptation solutions, Financing resilience and Resilient Urban Food Systems.
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