Non profit

March 2011

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe.

di Cristina Barbetta

Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down): 

1 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium, Combating poverty in rural and peri-urban areas

1 March 2011, Madrid, Spain, Voluntarizate

2-3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium,

The 6th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference 2011

2-3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium

5th Annual European Nutrition & Lifestyle Conference 2011: Taking The Next Steps Towards A Healthier Europe

3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium, “Empowerment of the Volunteer Environment”

3 March 2011, London, UK, The Value of Volunteering

3-4 March 2011, Berlin, Germany, Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing at Workplaces

3-6 March 2011, Turin, Italy, Mediterranean Leadership Development Seminar

10 March 2011, Glasgow, Scotland; 14 March 2011, Birmingham, UK; 17 March 2011, London, UK, March 2011 – Social Impact Bond Conferences

11 March 2011, Europe-wide, European Day for Victims of Terrorism

14 March 2011, London, UK, London 2012 – generating a lasting legacy

14-15 March 2011, Trier, Germany, EU Law on Equality between Women and Men in Practice

22-23 March 2011, Birmingham, UK, 10th European ETAP Forum on Eco-Innovation: Towards a Resource Efficient Economy: From Policy to Action

25 March 2011, London, UK, Acevo spring conference: the future of health and social care

30 March 2011, London, UK, Voice 11

1 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium

Combating poverty in rural and peri-urban areas

This conference on rural poverty is organized by the Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe (VLEVA). Dr. Carmen Matthijsen from Cera will present her study on rural poverty. Cera is a Belgian financial cooperative group. It was created with the idea of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, who at the end of the 19th century combated poverty in rural areas.  Nowadays Cera has a double function: financial and societal. 

To read more:


1 March 2011, Madrid, Spain


The Foundation Cibervoluntarios in collaboration with the Youth Institute of Spain (Injuve) and organize Voluntarízate (Volunteer Yourself). The project aims both to raise awareness about and to present new forms of volunteering.

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2-3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium 

The 6th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference 2011 

This year the 6th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference, organized by Forum Europe, will be subtitled: “Climate change and cities: How the EU can assist local and urban governments in their efforts to address climate change”. There is an increasing recognition that urban areas – home to around three-quarters of the EU’s citizens – hold one of the main keys to addressing climate change. Many in fact accept the view that the fight against climate change will be won or lost in urban areas. 

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2-3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium

5th Annual European Nutrition & Lifestyle Conference 2011: Taking The Next Steps Towards A Healthier Europe

Now in its fifth year, the annual European Nutrition and Lifestyle Conference, organized by Forum Europe, has become a must attend event for all stakeholders involved in nutrition and diet, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. ??It will bring together top level speakers from industry, regulators, EU institutions and NGOs to engage in a pro-active and progressive debate on the current and future trends relating to obesity and nutrition within Europe…

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3 March 2011, London, UK

The Value of Volunteering

The second in the series of thematic seminars on ‘The Value of Volunteering’ (the first was held in Prague on February, 22 2011), delivered in the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 by Volonteurope, will progress the call on Member State governments and EU institutions to take volunteering seriously and recognise it as a strategic response in economic and social terms, as well as a driver of civic engagement.

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3 March 2011, Brussels, Belgium

“Empowerment of the Volunteer Environment”

This seminar is organized by the Liaison Agency Flanders – Europe (VLEVA) and the Flemish Volunteer Centre Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk. It aims to compare regional volunteering policies in different fields and discuss the role of volunteering in societal changes.

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3-4 March 2011, Berlin, Germany 

Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing at Workplaces

This thematic conference under the European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being is organised by the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Health in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs with the support of the Hungarian EU-Presidency. It will be held in the BCC Conference Centre in Berlin on 3 and 4 March. ??This conference will consider the economic and public health case for investing into mental health and well-being at workplaces and, in particular, possibilities for health policy and the health sector to support such action at workplaces.

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3-6 March 2011, Turin, Italy

Mediterranean Leadership Development Seminar

This international AIESEC Italy conference will host 150 delegates from more than 20 countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia, France, Jordan… International and national partners, as well as alumni will deliver sessions about leadership, soft skills and personal development.

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10 March 2011, Glasgow, Scotland; 14 March 2011, Birmingham, UK; 17 March 2011, London, UK

March 2011 – Social Impact Bond Conferences

Social Finance invites commissioners, social service providers and investors to three conferences to work with participants to build the marketplace for Social Impact Bonds. 

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11 March 2011, Europe-wide 

European Day for Victims of Terrorism

Every year the European Union dedicates a Memorial Day to the victims of terrorist attacks, expressing solidarity and highlighting that the battle against terrorism requires the mobilisation of all citizens to guarantee freedom and security for all. The 11th March was chosen as it is the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Madrid, which took place on 11th March 2004.

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14 March 2011, London, UK

London 2012 – generating a lasting legacy

Social Enterprises make a significant contribution to London’s economy, providing vital services to local people and delivering real social and economic value to communities. ??The 15th March starts the 500-day countdown to the London 2012 Olympic Games. What better time to explore the essential role social enterprise could play in delivering the social and economic benefits promised as part of the legacy of the Games in East London?

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14-15 March 2011, Trier, Germany 

EU Law on Equality between Women and Men in Practice

The principle of equality between women and men has been part of EU law since the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Since then, a considerable body of legislation has been adopted on matters such as equal treatment in employment and occupation, health protection in the context of maternity, parental leave or access to goods and services.

The seminar, organized by ERA, will provide an overview of the content of these Directives as interpreted by the European Court of Justice in its large case law on this topic.

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22-23 March 2011, Birmingham, UK

10th European ETAP Forum on Eco-Innovation

Towards a Resource Efficient Economy: From Policy to Action

This forum will bring together key players in business, academia, finance, policy and green groups. It will present business case studies on sustainable material management, encourage innovation through cross fertilisation between disciplines and sectors, identify and prioritise the key issues that need to be addressed by Government and EU action.

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25 March 2011, London, UK

Acevo spring conference: the future of health and social care

We are almost a year into the current Government’s term, and the Department of Health has set out a massive change programme, publishing White Papers and major consultations at a rate of at least one a month. The ACEVO spring conference will be an opportunity to take stock, be updated on the latest policy developments, and above all hear and discuss how the Government’s NHS and social care reforms might work in practice.

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30 March 2011, London, UK

Voice 11

Voice 11 is the biggest social enterprise event in the UK. It is theSocial Enterprise Coalitionsannual event. The programme includes live debates, among which:

“Start your social enterprise zone”: Aimed at emerging, new, and considering social enterprises, younger than 24 months,  and

“Young social enterprise zone”: The best of what the rising stars of the social enterprise movement are doing…

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More events for this month to come…

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