Non profit
Making the fight against poverty a number one EU priority
Non Profit ID card. European Anti Poverty Network

The European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) is based in Brussels, Belgium.
Questions answered by Fintan Farrell, Director EAPN.
Non Profit ID card: present your project/organisation/campaign
– Where are you based? Brussels
– What are you called? European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN)
– What are you doing and why? With support from our members (National Anti Poverty Networks and European Organisations) we are trying to ensure that the fight against poverty, social exclusion and inequality is a key priority in the EU Agenda and actions. WE do this because poverty is a denial of fundamental rights and more equal societies are better for everyone.
– Do you have a website/email?
– What makes you so special? We manage to engage in the EU processes while still keeping a fresh and critical approach towards the dominant model of development which is currently informing EU policies and which contributes to reproduce poverty and inequalities.
The turning point
– How did you start? EAPN started in 1990 when anti poverty organisations who were receiving EU supports for demonstration projects in the fight against poverty and social exclusion decided that they wanted to combine their efforts and establish a more structured and on going collaboration.
– What keeps you going every day? Listening to the realities and the courage of people who directly face poverty and social exclusion in their everyday lives and hear echoes of these realities in my family story.
– Who is your target? All who can contribute to making our society more equal.
– How are you financed? Core funding from the EU Progress programme, support from our members and fund raising.
The challenge
– A proud moment? When the EU leaders finally admitted in Lisbon in 2000 that the extent of poverty within the EU was unacceptable.
– A problem you face? Trying to overcome one narrow view of what is good economic theory.
– Your personal motto when things get hard? “Let’s think about this again”
Go to Vita Europe Non Profit ID card on Slow Food UK
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