Akcija Zdruzenska is a non-profit organization established in July 2004 with a main office in Skopje, as part of the strategic transformation of the Women’s Program within the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia. Its work is based on the several-year experience in developing and implementing programs for promotion and development of the women’s movement. the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia (FOSIM) is part of the Soros network in Central and Eastern Europe; its mission is integration of Macedonia within as a prerequisite for EU integration and the promotion of an open society through initiating supports and implementing a wide spectrum of programs. the Center for Institutional Development (CIRa) is an independent, non-governmental organization that was established by the local staff of the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) in Macedonia in September 2003. ISC has been implementing the Democracy Network Program (DemNet), which is funded by USAID. The aims of the CIRa are the building of effective and efficient organizations and institutions, the philanthropy development in Macedonia and the development of a participative local community. USAID is an independent federal government agency of the United States of America that receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State. It tries to support long-term and equitable economic growth and to advance U.S. foreign policy objectives by supporting economic growth, agriculture and trade, global health and democracy, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance. the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC) is a civic society organisation that operates in the domain of sustainable development, awareness building and social-humanitarian (basic) assistance. The MCIC’s aim is the promotion, support and development of local, national and international initiatives for encouraging sustainable development of human resources in Macedonia and abroad. MCIC provides funding for the activities from numerous agencies of the World Council of Churches and from governmental and international organisations. the Civic Platform of Macedonia (CPM) is open place for reflection, democratic discussion of ideas, formulation of suggestions, free exchange of experiences and networking for efficient and effective action of civil organizations that are dedicated on building civil society in Macedonia. It has a pluralistic, diverse, nonreligious, nongovernmental and non-political context that connects in decentralized way the civil organizations that have influence on local, national and international level, aimed to build civil society. MaNGO (Macedonia NGO) Online is a web-based network of and for all NGOs active in Macedonia. Its goals are: to be a catalyst for increasing levels of understanding of the value and use of the Internet among all NGOs; to promote, develop and assist NGOs in fulfilling their organisational goals and vision; to provide a gateway for communication and cooperation between organisations within Macedonia and for organisations and foundations interested in Macedonia; to provide much of the simple yet essential information that will make working in Macedonia that much easier. the NGO Institutional Development Support Project – NGO Support Centres in Veles, Prilep, Stip, and Kicevo – is designed for the purpose of strengthening the role of NGOs in the civil society as a whole outside the capital by supporting NGO organizations and their operations in local communities and by strengthening their capacities for cooperation with other NGOs, local government, private sector and media. The NGO Support Centres do not have ethnic or sectoral focus. Also the direct support to political parties and their branches is precluded. the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN) is a network of 14 civil society organizations from 10 countries and territories in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia); its mission is empowering civil society through sharing and developing local practices and concepts, and strengthening civil society actors. in general, Oneworld – Platform for south east Europe (owpsee) is a civil society network in a virtual online space. It is a multilanguage and multimedia platform for civil society organizations in the SouthEast Europe that want to communicate with a larger public. The portal and all its supported platforms use information to enable civil society collaboration and mutual learning in the region. It also provides civil society with knowledge about particular themes, issues and developments, and help CSOs to work together. the NGO Infocenter is a Public Relation Agency for the Macedonian civil sector. The NGO Infocenter’s PR expertise is available to all civil society organizations, as well as all interested clients in the business sector. As a place for pro-active communication and cooperation of all relevant social actors, NGO Infocenter provides for direct communication and cooperation with the media, as well as expertise and education in the field of public relations. Macedonian Information Agency (MIA). United Nations – Department of Economic and Social Affairs; in particular, about NGOs →; also the Civil Society Participation sector is interesting → the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) is the leading source for information on the legal environment for civil society and public participation. Since 1992, ICNL has served as a resource to civil society leaders, government officials, and the donor community in over 90 countries. Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso is a think-tank, an electronic media and a research centre dedicated to South-East Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. It is promoted by the Peace Bell Foundation and the Forum Trentino for Peace and Human Rights; it is sponsored by the Council Department for International Solidarity of the Autonomous Province of Trento and by the Municipality of Rovereto (Italy). a directory of West Balkan Environmental Civil Society Organisations by the Regional Environment Center for Regional and Eastern Europe (REC). REC is an international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems. The REC fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making. National Volunteering Programme volunteers centres Unit for Cooperation with Non-Governmental Organizations under the Sector for Policies Analysis and Coordination; its main aim is to gain credibility and to develop institutional cooperation between the Government and the Civil Society Organizations, which will contribute to the development of the civil society sector. Contact Office between the NGOs and the Assembly; its main aim is to establish connections between the citizens and the bodies of the Assembly by using the overall resources of the civil sector (conclusions, researches, etc.) in order to increase the influence CSOs can exert in the policy and in the decision-making process. Central Register of Republic of Macedonia for companies and other legal entities, such as civil associations and foundations (in Macedonian only).
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