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Macedonia gets recommendation to start membership negotiations with EU

The Report by the European Commission points out that Macedonia achieved significant progress in the fulfilment of key priorities.

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

The Republic of Macedonia, after four years as candidate for membership, got the recommendation by the European Commission (EC) on October 14 to start negotiations for European Union membership. The final decision if and when will Macedonian start the accession negotiations will be adopted by the EU Council in December 2009.

The Report, prepared on basis of achievement to meet benchmarks and without additional conditions, points out that Macedonia achieved significant progress in fulfilment of key priorities and met the obligations listed in the Stabilization and Association Agreement. The Report notes the progress the country achieved in all eight benchmarks, but also the areas that still lack sufficient progress.

The Report states that Presidential and Local Elections 2009 met the majority of international standards, political dialogue is improved, the ruling coalition is stable and the Parliament works more efficiently in improved political climate. Progress was registered in the reforms of the police, the judiciary, public administration and fight against corruption.

The Ohrid Framework Agreement remains the key element for the rule of democracy and law in Macedonia. Progress was achieved in the implementation of the Law on Use of Languages, decentralisation and equal representation. Still, additional efforts and constructive spirit are needed to fully achieve the aims of the Framework Agreement. The Report notes the fact that legal and institutional framework for realisation and respect for human and minority rights was created, although additional progress is possible in several areas.

Regarding regional and international relations and obligations, the document states that Macedonia has, in general, fine relations with the neighbouring countries. Still, the Report notes that relations with Greece remain under the influence of the unresolved dispute over the name of the country, but that Macedonia participates in the talks, under UN mediation. It does say that good neighbourly relations and solution for the name-dispute is essential.

In terms of economic criteria, EC notes that Macedonia moves towards fully functional market economy, with lesser progress achieved in the energy sector, environmental protection and social policies. EC also recommends to strengthen the administrative capacities for implementation of laws.

EU Ambassador to Skopje Erwan Fouere presented the Report in Skopje and presented a copy of the Report to Government of PM Nikola Gruevski.

Macedonia joined Croatia and Turkey, the other countries that have status of candidates for EU membership and have, in fact, already started the accession negotiations.

To read the whole 2009 Progress Report for the Republic of Macedonia, click here.

(Source: MIA)

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