The Republic of Macedonia is a recipient of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from all the donors (Development Assistance Committee (DAC) countries, non-DAC countries, multilateral agencies; see the DAC Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts; see also the DAC list of ODA Recipients).
In 2007, Macedonia received from all donors approximately over 200 million $ (150 million € circa); in particular, it received around 140,000 million $ (approximately 100 million €) from the DAC countries.
The DAC countries‘s contribution to ODA has more or less remained constant since 2002, swinging between 134 and 180 million $ (96 – 130 million €).
The most of the money (measured as gross ODA) to Macedonia comes from the European Commission (73 million $, approximately 55 million €), the United States of America (35 million $, 26 million € circa), Germany (24 million $, approx. 18 million €) and Japan (15 million $, that is: 11 million € circa). Austria, last in the top ten of the donors, gives to Macedonia 6 million $ (circa 4.5 million €).
According to the OECD, the relevance of multilateral agencies in aid to development, instead, has sharply been increasing: in 2002 they donated only 0.67 million $ (0.48 million € circa), whereas in 2007 the relative figure was 67.41 million $ (approximately 50 million €).
Moreover, net private flows to Macedonia amounted in 2007 to 60 million $ circa (something more than 40 million €).
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