Local Fair Trade catches on in France

The Charter of Local Fair Trade has been launched to define fair trade principles in order to promote and strengthen sustainable farming in France.

di Staff

The French FairTrade Platform, the National Federation of Organic Agriculture and Initiatives for a Citizen and Local Agriculture have joined forces in order to create the Charter of Local FairTrade in France. These organizations are involved in fair trade, organic agriculture and citizenship
The Charter, that was released in June 2014, defines fair trade fundamentals applied to France in order  to promote and strengthen  sustainable farming in the country. It is the result of three years of work between fair trade main actors and French alternative, citizen and sustainable agriculture organizations. 
The document is based on 14 founding principles, among which:  a transparent and remunerative price, the guarantee of transparency towards consumers, the respect of people and their environment, and a non- exclusive relationship that guarantees producers’ independence.  The Charter also aims at applying fair trade criteria between the North and the South to relationships between producers and buyers of the North. It promotes  responsible consumption and production, starting from sustainable farming, bringing together already existing initiatives  that are growing more and more every day. 
This initiative takes place in a year in which the UN has declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming.

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