LATVIA: “The Healthy workplace Initiative”
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work is launching a practical Guide to risk assessment in business
The “Risk assessment tool” enables employers and employees to analyse and assess their work environment according to their specific sector needs. The practical checklist allows for a quick and simple overview of the current situation in the company and provides advice and support for change and improvement of that work environment.
3 seminars will also be held in Latvia. During these practical seminars tailored to SMEs, high-level professionals will share their knowledge of how to make businesses stronger and more productive through the creation of a healthy workplace.
Speaking at the first HWI seminar in Warsaw, Poland, on 30th June 2006, Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, Director of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, commented: ?Small businesses are important drivers of the European economy and they employ almost three-quarters of the workforce. However, unfortunately, they suffer from above-average incidence rates of accidents and work-related health problems.
Major message to small businesses in Latvia to the Healthy Workplace Initiative is placing safety and health at the heart of their business strategy. This will not only reduce costs due to less injuries and ill health, but will also improve the quality of work and productivity of business.
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