
LATVIA: Statements for renewable energy resources usage

In the meeting of Cabinet of Ministers was approved statements project elaborated by the Ministry of the Environment “Statements for renewable energy resources usage 2006-2013”.

di Dainis Dambenieks

In the statements (henceforward ? the Statements) of renewable energy resources (henceforward – RER) usage elaborated by the Ministry of the Environment current situation is explained, as well as aims of policy regarding RER are established and action directions for achieving these aims are set up. Major aims established in statements are to increase specific weight of RER in total energy-balance of Latvia, promote safety of energy supply in Latvia as well as ensure permanent RER input into reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Main RER in Latvia is biomass (wood) and hydro resources, also wind energy and bio gas is used. Potential of these resources are not used completely. RER policy implementation result has to be expansion of renewable resources usage in Latvia.

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