Latvia: Reallocation of Structural Funds
Latvian Supervisory Committee of the Structural Funds of European Union (EU) agreed on reallocation of more than 10 million Lats.
Latvian Supervisory Committee of the Structural Funds of European Union (EU) agreed on reallocation of more than 10 million Lats from such activities of the Structural Funds, performance of which did not succeed, toward those activities where demanded amount of financing is exceeding significantly over the available ones.
Members of the Supervisory Committee agreed to reallocate 6.5 million Lats from the activity funded by European Social Fund (ESF) “Employment Promotion? that provided to support the entrepreneurs in training of employees, toward activity by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “Development of Educational, Health, and Social Care Infrastructure? for support of health infrastructure improvement and development.
They agreed also to carry out the national program worth of 5.7 million Lats being under management of the Ministry of Communication “Development of Information and Communication Systems Within Geographically Remote Areas by Extending High Quality Broad Tract Systems? for diminished financing ? 4 million Lats.
The Supervisory Committee decided to locate 0.5 million Lats of the national program by the Ministry of Communication to the activity ?Development of Public Internet Access?, but 1.2 million Lats of the national program was resolved to forward to the national program for development of information and communication technologies being administered by the Secretary of the Minister of Special Assignments in Issues of Electronic Management.
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