LATVIA: Partner Search & Lead Applicant Seminar

JS and RCBI jointly organize a Partner Search – Lead Applicant Seminar in Priekuli, Latvia

di Dainis Dambenieks

BSR INTERREG III B Joint Secretariat (JS) and Tacis Regional Capacity Building Initiative project (RCBI) jointly organized a Partner Search ? Lead Applicant Seminar devoted to the 5th Call for Proposals in the framework of the INTERREG IIIA Priority North launched on 2 October with the deadline on 4 December 2006. The information seminar took place on the 10th and 11th October, in Priekuli, Latvia.

During the course of the seminar participants got a unique chance to establish new contacts and strengthen already existing networks. They also developed new project ideas with the assistance of the JS and Tacis RCBI experts, obtained the latest information on the particularities of the 5th call, and also received individual consultations.

The seminar was designed to meet the demands of different groups involved in project activity: both experienced applicants and partners, and beginners looking for new contacts, or coming up with their first project ideas. Representatives of regional and local authorities, NGO?s, educational institutions, other non-profit organizations from Latvia, Estonia and Russia interested in developing project proposals for the cross-border cooperation projects on the borders with Russia were all invited to the seminar.

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