Latvia: NGOs for local development
A new study program has been presented in Latvia to promote co-operation between local governments and NGOs in the field of municipal development planning
The aim of the new study program in Latvia is to promote co-operation between local governments and NGOs in the field of municipal development planning (i.e., the preparation of territorial plans and development programmes), and to provide recommendations for improving the collaborative environment.
The study provides an overview of the overall capacity of NGOs and local governments and the resources available that are related to NGO participation in planning – both the material resources and knowledge.
Several spheres are identified that could be improved to benefit the current situation regarding co-operation between local governments and NGOs: the centralised storage and monitoring of the municipalities, territorial plans, education and capacity of local government planning specialists, the information about NGOs and their capacity.
Presently, there is no opportunity to receive a specialised bachelor’s or master’s degree in territorial planning in Latvia. However, there have been negotiations with institutions of higher education about the possibility of introducing a specialised education programme. This programme should include a component addressing public and NGO involvement.
The study also provides several models for NGO and municipality co-operation in territorial planning. A course of study in strategic planning and the preparation of project proposals that involves representatives from both NGOs and municipal governments would benefit both sides and would enable the generation of co-operative projects.
NGO participation initiatives would be more beneficial if the organization in question could receive the information on development and territorial planning procedures before the local government begins the planning process. In the event that the municipality plans to provide financial resources for NGO initiatives, an open competition of project proposals should be organised.
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