Latvia: new Human Rights Office established
Every person can apply in the cases of possible violations of human rights and when the principle of good administration has been violated
On 1 January, 2007 the new Ombudsman Law has been enforced. According to the new law the Latvian National Human Rights Office finishes work and on its basis the new Ombudsman institution is established. Along with the ensuring of the human rights observance, the new institution will have a new objective – to promote the observance of the principles of good administration.
Except for the reorganization process and that the new institution will start to work in full only after the appointment of the Ombudsman, every person can turn with application in the cases of possible violations of human rights and when the principle of good administration has been violated in the Ombudsman?s Office already now. You can receive the response also on other questions regarding the human rights and the principle of good administration, to express your opinion or proposals.
Finally Latvian people can receive the information about human rights, how to protect their rights, to view the Latvian National Human Rights Office?s researches etc. The possibility to send a question or application to the Ombudsman in the section ?Your questions? also will be maintained.
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