Latvia: human rights activism leads media on racism issue
It has been stressed the lack of the right means to fight discrimination
Human rights activities have led media to focus law enforcement officials on the issues of racist crimes. According to the Security Police, the number of racist crimes has increased in 2006 as compared to 2005. In total, 14 criminal cases have been initiated under the Section 78 of the Criminal Code. 8 of the cases have been initiated for the instigation of racial hatred. The press secretary of the Security Police has stated that fighting against skinhead groupings mostly committing racial attacks is hampered by the fact that these groupings act spontaneously and often under the influence of alcohol. According to the Security Police?s representative, the crimes often cannot be unequivocally investigated under the scope of Section 78 of the Criminal Code, and are treated as the acts of hooliganism.
Diena?s columnist argues that the police are still too weak in preventing of racist crimes. In an interview the head of the Discrimination Prevention Department of the Ombudsmen?s Office Liga Bikseniece has pointed to the lack of professionalism of the law enforcement officials in responding to the complaints of two Somalis who were physically assaulted by several persons, presumably skinheads, late december 2006.
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