Latvia: government renounces to extend public smoking ban
The prohibition of smoking remain valid in all public buildings, such as cinemas, concert halls, gyms, post offices, and nightclubs
Latvia’s Health Ministry has renounced its intention to introduce a ban on smoking in streets, parks and public gardens.
Amendments to the tobacco products sales law have been resubmitted to the government for consideration, minus the sections that propose a ban on smoking in public places.
The paragraphs were deleted after Cabinet ministers voiced concerns about the ban in December.
However other amendments to restrict smoking in public facilities remain valid. They stipulate the prohibition of smoking in all public buildings, such as cinemas, concert halls, gyms, post offices, and nightclubs.
Smoking will also be banned in educational establishments, the corridors of apartments, offices, and health care facilities.
Like in many other countries across Europe, from July 1, 2008 smoking will not be allowed in cafes, restaurants and other public catering outlets, including street cafes.
In addition to the clampdown on smoking, the existing warnings on cigarette packs in future will have to include color pictures and other illustrations.
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