
Latvia: few projects for ethnic integration implemented

Recent report stresses the lack of long term integration policy and highlights how the national approach failed to handle the regional differences

di Dainis Dambenieks

Latvijas Avize reports that only 93 projects aimed at integration of society mainly funded by the EU Phare and administrated by the Society Integration Foundation were implemented in 2005 and 2006. In the recently published study ?Integration of Latvian Youth and Value Changes? the authors argue that that measures to promote ethnic integration are more needed in places where number of ethnic minorities is small, such as Valmiera, while places where ethnic minorities constitute a big share of a population need completely different and new approach as the national integration program has failed. Mostly this small number of projects is due to lack of long term integration policy in Latvia. Many ethnical organizations and groups think different but no any political party has took the rights to give the clear view how to deal with integration for next years. More info at www.la.lv

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