
Latvia: Declaration on respect, tolerance and cooperation

Editors of internet portals, representatives of societies and foundations and state institutions prepared a declaration to encourage true, open, honest and justified discussion.

di Dainis Dambenieks

Lately in Latvian press and especially internet there are outright invitation to violence and intolerance toward different races in Latvia. That was not left unnoticed neither by press, nor non-governmental organizations both among Latvian and foreign NGO.
This declaration was prepared and signed by editors of internet portals, representatives of societies and foundations, and state institutions.

?We support freedom of speech. We consider and invite to consider human respect and honor. We respect the law. In our opinion, there is no contradiction among these basic values of democratic society” informed signatories of the declaration.
The aim of the declaration is to reduce and combat intolerance and hate within the internet environment, but not denying freedom of speech. We encourage true, open, honest, and justified discussion.
Internet media in point of fact is mass media, the aim of which is to provide for everyone an opportunity to express its opinion in democratic society. We respect the rights of individuals and groups to protect their values, unless the one expressing its opinion follows three basic values.
?Everyone has rights to freedom of belief and rights to express one?s opinion freely: these rights include freedom to remain with one?s opinion, and freedom to search, receive and distribute information and ideas by any means regardless of countries? borders.? (General Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19)

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