Latvia: 10 years anniversary of the Latvian Environment Protection Fund
Thanks to the Latvian Environment Protection Fund has been given invaluable investment in dealing with the problem of environmental protection on a state scale.
Many important projects could take place only because of co-financing of the Latvian Environment Protection Fund. ?Environmental facts? – popular TV broadcast about problems of environment, magazine ?Environmental News? – informal leader in promotion of environmental education are only several example of successful financed projects. Positive examples of the same kind can be mentioned also in other fields, but they are not so known for wide society. That why it is important to show to the society other successful projects, especially in the context of anniversary of the fund. During this project is organized a conference for about 200 participants from whole Latvia, who during these years have cooperated with the Latvian Environment Protection Fund. This conference is planned as overview of the previous years and sting plans for the future. During the conference rewards for the major investment in environment protection of Latvia will be presented. The rewards will be presented in several nominations ? for private persons, for organizations, for research works. The nominations, evaluating criteria and evaluating will be carried out by special jury, consisting of various institutions. Such conference will pay society?s attention to activities of the fund, financed projects and possibilities to get financing for solving different environmental problems. The project will popularize the fund and its programs and will stimulate involvement of new applicants. The project will take place until November 2006. Project is co-financed by Latvian environment protection fund
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