
La valigetta n°2

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di Redazione

LINK SULLA BIODIVERSITÀ ? WWF internazionale ? Conservation International ? Wildlife Conservation Society ? IUCN ? Lista Rossa specie minacciate IUCN ? All Species Foundation LIBRI ? Clemmons Janine R, Buchholz R. (a cura di), 1997, Behavioural Approaches to Conservation in the Wild, Cambridge University Press ? Entwistle A., Dunstone N., 2000, Priorities for the Conservation of Mammalian Diversity: Has the Panda had its Day?, Cambridge University Press ? Gittleman J.L., Funk S.M., MacDonald D.W., Wayne R.K. (a cura di), 2001, Carnivore Conservation, Cambridge University Press ? Gosling Morris L., Sutherland William J. (a cura di), 2000, Behaviour and Conservation, Cambridge University Press ? Mace G.M., Balmford A., Ginsberg J.R., 1999, Conservation in a Changing World, Cambridge University Press ? Massa R., Ingegnoli V., 1999, Biodiversità, estinzione e conservazione, UTET ? Primack R.B., Carotenuto L., 2003, Conservazione della Natura, Zanichelli ? Pullin A. S., 2002, Conservation Biology, Cambridge University Press ? Reynolds J.D., Mace G.M., Redford K.H., Robinson J. G. , 2001, Conservation of Exploited, Cambridge University Press ? Sheller G.B., 1993, The last Panda, University Chicago ? Urbanska K.M., Webb N.R., Edwards P.J. (a cura di), 2000, Restoration Ecology and Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press ? Weddal B.J., 2002, Conserving Living Natural Resources: in the Context of a Changing World, Cambridge University Press ? Wilson E.O., 1993, Biodiversità, Biblioteca Scientifica Sansoni ALTRI LINK ? Società Meterologica Italiana ? Conservation Biology. The Journal of the society for Conservation Biology – ? Wildlife Siciety Bullettin. Prospectives on wildlife conservation and sustainable use – ? Le Scienze –

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