Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
1-4 July 2013, Liège, Belgium, 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise
2 July 2013, Leipzig, Germany, Launch event: European Alliance for Apprenticeships
3 July 2013, London, UK, The rehabilitation revolution
8-12 July 2013, Brussels, Belgium, ThinkYoung Entrepreneurship Summer School 2013
8-13 July 2013, Bertinoro, Italy, European Summer School on Social Economy (ESSE) 2013 – 3rd ed. "Social Entrepreneurship in a Global Context"
8-14 July 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania, Transparency International Summer School on Integrity
9 July 2013, London, UK, Corporate fundraising
9 July 2013, London, UK, Parliamentary launch of State of Social Enterprise Survey 2013
9-10 July 2013, London, UK, Business4Better UK
9-19 July 2013, Social Innovation Safari
10-11 July 2013, Lugano, Switzerland, Partnering for global impact
17 July 2013, London, UK, Trading for sustainability
18-19 July 2013, London, UK, SROI Practitioner Training – 2 Day Course
24 July 2013, London, UK, Young Social Enterprise Europe-Final Conference
1-4 July 2013, Liège, Belgium
4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise
EMES, in partnership with the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole on Social Enterprise (IAP-SOCENT) and with the support of the Centre for Social Economy at HEC Management School of the University of Liege, organize the 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise.
In a truly worldwide and interdisciplinary perspective, this conference will discuss social enterprise and social entrepreneurship through the growing diversity of approaches that have developed in the last two decades.
Around social enterprise and social entrepreneurship, the conference will bring together research streams related to the third sector (non-profit sector, social economy, solidarity economy) and research communities focused on emerging themes such as social innovation, social impact assessment, hybrid organizations, social franchising and venture philanthropy, among others.
For its 20th anniversary, the Centre for Social Economy will host the conference at HEC Management School – University of Liege, in a 1,000-year old city in the very heart of Europe.
2 July 2013, Leipzig, Germany
Launch event: European Alliance for Apprenticeships
European Alliance for Apprenticeships aims to increase the quality and supply of apprenticeships across Europe and change mind-sets towards apprenticeship-type learning. This would facilitate a smooth transition of young people from education to work.
The launch event will begin with opening remarks by the German Federal Minister for Education and Research, Johanna Wanka followed by opening speeches by Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor and Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Androulla Vassiliou. The keynote speech will be delivered by the CEO of Telecom Italia, Franco Bernabè.
3 July 2013, London, UK
The rehabilitation revolution
BWB, with E3M are running a seminar aimed at providing charities, social enterprises and mutuals with the knowledge to work out how they can engage with the government's Transforming Rehabilitation programme.
The Transforming Rehabilitation programme potentially offers opportunities not only to charities, social enterprises and mutuals working in offender management, but those providing support around addiction, mental health, education and training, families and housing and other issues that may lead to recidivism.
The programme also offers some challenges to potential bidders. Most services will be procured on a scale that will make partnering with other organizations essential. They will need to engage in an intense competitive process and be clear about the commitments they are taking on. An element of their fees may be dependent upon outcomes achieved.
This seminar offers a top class line up of speakers, representing policy makers (MoJ and Cabinet Office), social enterprises and charities delivering in this area (P3, Stonham), social investors (Social Finance, Big Society Capital), intermediaries (BWB, Social Business International) and probation trusts.
8-12 July 2013, Brussels, Belgium
ThinkYoung Entrepreneurship Summer School 2013
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ThinkYoung, together with the European Institute of Industrial Leadership are happy to present the next step in becoming a future Entrepreneur.
They are offering young individuals from across Europe the opportunity to hone their entrepreneurial knowledge and principles, acquire a variety of new skills and network with both successful entrepreneurs and other like minded, motivated people.
No professors, academic books or lectures. Simply, successful Entrepreneurs communicating their own personal experiences in business. A truly unforgettable experience, providing students with the confidence to take that next step in business.
The aim is to conquer the stigma of entrepreneurial failure throughout Europe, creating a better, socially prosperous and enjoyable future for all.
8-13 July 2013, Bertinoro, Italy
European Summer School on Social Economy (ESSE) 2013 – 3rd ed. "Social Entrepreneurship in a Global Context"
The Department of Economics of the University of Bologna (Forlì Campus) in collaboration with AICCON, is organizing the third edition of the European Summer School on Social Economy (ESSE), which will be held at the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro, Forlì Campus, University of Bologna. This third edition is organized in partnership with EMES, EURICSE and SECS IRT(University of Bologna).
The Summer School is aimed at students currently engaged in graduate studies as well as PhD students and researchers. Practitioners wishing to deepen their knowledge form a theoretical point of view are also welcome.
Participants will take part in classroom lectures and discussions focused on both theoretical issues and case studies. The latter will take into consideration practical models of success and failure in order to explore the strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth and opportunity of the growing field of Social Entrepreneurship.
8-14 July 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania
Transparency International Summer School on Integrity
The aim of the Summer School is to provide student leaders from across the region with an opportunity to learn first-hand from professionals working in the anti-corruption field. The School seeks to provide students with a peer-to-peer learning and integrity-building platform that links international experience with transparency and integrity to the current situation in post-communist countries and beyond.
Participants of the Transparency International Summer School on Integrity learn about the causes of corruption and practical ways in which societies can become more transparent and accountable.
The School staff offer students state-of-the-art professional guidance and compelling case studies showing long-term sustainability through transparent and integrity. Led by leading anti-corruption professionals, the School seeks to create an environment that brings discussions about transparency and integrity from a high public policy level into the classroom and the everyday life of students.
9 July 2013, London, UK
Corporate fundraising
The course will explore 5 things every small charity needs to know about raising support and funds from the corporate sector. Fundraisers from small charities who are looking to access and secure funding from local and national companies should attend this session. By the end of the session fundraisers will be able to: Identify potential business ‘partners’; Demonstrate an understanding of what attracts corporate support; State how to build strong relationships with the business community.
The following themes will be covered: Getting started: the law, best practice and ‘the rules’; Finding and researching potential business partners; Getting your project or service information ready; Making an approach: the do’s and don’ts of what to include; Following up and managing the relationship.
9 July 2013, London, UK
Parliamentary launch of State of Social Enterprise Survey 2013
On behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Enterprise, Social Enterprise UK invites its members to the launch of the State of Social Enterprise Survey 2013 in the House of Commons.
The State of Social Enterprise Survey, which Social Enterprise UK conducts biennially, is the world’s most in-depth survey of social enterprises. The last survey from 2011, Fightback Britain, found the UK social enterprise sector to be dynamic, attracting entrepreneurs, working in the UK’s most deprived communities to tackle the root causes of deprivation, and out-pacing and out-innovating comparable SMEs. The data from this survey is showing similarly thought-provoking findings, which will be publically launched at this event.
The Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable, has been invited to deliver a keynote presentation, and there will also be an opportunity to hear from Ian Cowie, CEO of Business & Commercial Banking at RBS.
9-10 July 2013, London, UK
Business4Better UK
Business4Better UK forms part of UBM’s Community Engagement Series and aims to get businesses talking with the voluntary sector.
It provides a forum for the not-for-profit community to network, share best practice, raise their profile and build partnerships with business.
To read more:
9-19 July 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Social Innovation Safari
The Social Innovation Safari is a two week immersive learning experience where designers, social workers, academics, entrepreneurs, researchers, and practitioners from around the world work together to problem solve real-life social issues. They will use a problem-solving approach, which is collaborative, action-oriented, and inherently social. They will work on the messy, complex social issues that are in desperate need of both new approaches and new solutions. The Safari is a methodology for developing our collective problem-solving capabilities and skills. Imagine joining an inter-disciplinary dream team, and discovering new ways to prompt social change! The Social Innovation Safari is a collaboration between of the University of Amsterdam,
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10-11 July 2013, Lugano, Swiitzerland
Partnering for global impact
Partnering for Global Impact™ (PGI) is a landmark initiative to facilitate transactions in impact investing and philanthropy through one-to-one meetings. The annual PGI conference is a unique forum that encourages participants to share knowledge, engage with issues, explore investment opportunities and partner with one another. The goal is to create a dynamic community of leaders that will increase the capital directed to scalable and sustainable solutions for global impact. PGI brings leading families, private investors and organizations together with practitioners and entrepreneurs to generate solutions for the world’s less fortunate. The event is designed to enable participants to learn about and pursue investment opportunities with both a social and a financial return.
17 July 2013, London, UK
Trading for sustainability
Trading for Sustainability tackles the challenges that many charities and not for profit organizations face when making the transition from grant funding to trading or retail. The course is particularly relevant in the current economic climate, in which many charitable organizations face an uncertain long-term future.
According to a recent survey by Social Enterprise UK, 9 out of 10 charities want to increase their levels of business activity; Trading for Sustainability will show how.
The course will enable participants to: Understand new, different income streams and how to tap into them; Identify target markets and customers; Demonstrate value for money, SROI and evaluation; Develop new ways to brand, market and sell your products + services; Learn to make changes in your organizational culture; Create a sustainable business plan; Trade and earn income as a means to achieve your social mission!
18-19 July 2013, London, UK
SROI Practitioner Training – 2 Day Course
The SROI Network training course has been accredited by the Institute of Leadership Management. It, like other courses that contribute to the accredited practitioner status, is delivered by accredited practitioners that are also experienced trainers. Training will be delivered by SROI Network accredited practitioners.
Day one is a practical, step-by-step introduction to the SROI process. It will begin with some theory but the process is best learnt by trying it, so candidates will learn how to develop an impact map – the heart of the SROI process – and explore appropriate real life examples. Day two covers, in more depth, issues that practitioners will need to demonstrate an understanding of if they wish to become accredited.
Although designed with the assurance process in mind, this course is suitable for anyone wanting more than just an introduction to SROI. Current issues will be discussed, best practice and techniques shared and lots of examples explored.
24 July 2013, London, UK
Young Social Enterprise Europe-Final Conference
The YSEE Project has been run by Embrace for 2 years with partners in the UK, Germany, Turkey and Slovakia. Its purpose was to find out about types of youth enterprise in the different countries and to see what support is available. This is the final conference of this 2-year project and the partners are delighted to present their findings and showcase youth enterprises from the UK and Europe. The day’s highlight will also be the launch of new enterprise initiatives for young people in Lambeth.
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