January 2014

A Vita Europe selection of civil society events around Europe

di Cristina Barbetta

Listed events (for further descriptions of events and links scroll down):
6-10 January 2014, Hong Kong, Entrepreneurship Winter School 
9 January 2014, London, UK, Measuring Social Impact Masterclass – Jan 2014
13-16 January 2014, Zaragoza, Spain, 2014 UN-Water International Zaragoza Conference
14 January 2014, Brussels, Belgium, The effects of social investment on employment and public budgets
 15 January 2014, Strasbourg, France, Chartering Into The Future: Euclid Network's Annual Conference 
16 January 2014, Strasbourg, France, “Social entrepreneurs: have your say!”  
 16 January 2014, Strasbourg, France, Impact2 
22-25 January 2014, Davos, Switzerland, World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014
 23-24 January 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, SROI Practitioners Training
23-25 January 2014, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Geography of Innovation International Conference 2014
 29-30  January 2014, Brussels, Belgium, Culture and Creativity: Europe's regions and cities making a difference
29 January 2014. London, UK, The CANn Conference
30 January 2014, London, UK, Impact HUB club 
30 January 2014, London, 30 January 2014, 1st Transition  Spark Session
6-10 January 2014, Hong Kong
Entrepreneurship Winter School 
The Entrepreneurship School was set up in 2011 by ThinkYoung, Europe’s  first think-tank concerned with youth, to provide young people the opportunity to learn about core business values. It moved away from the traditional classroom style of learning, adopting a more practical hands on approach aimed at providing an intense course and experiental gains.
The Entrepreneurship School offers participants the opportunity to connect and receive advice from successful entrepreneurs operating in a variety of fields. Throughout the week, groups are able to question the high profile speakers on a number of topics, enabling them to acquire valuable knowledge and gradually compose a final presentation to conclude the learning experience. 
Throughout the duration of the school, students are exposed to real experiences, stories of both entrepreneurial success and failure.
9 January 2014, London, UK
Measuring Social Impact Masterclass – Jan 2014
This Masterclass is for organisations who want to develop a framework, reporting process and system for measuring the social and economic impact of their projects.
•The workshop will cover the following topics: Defining your aims and objectives. Defining your outputs and outcomes, Methods of capturing evaluation data, Producing social impact materials, Designing a comprehensive client management and social reporting system
13-16 January 2014, Zaragoza, Spain
2014 UN-Water International Zaragoza Conference
The 2014 UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference will be organized around the theme ‘Preparing for World Water Day 2014,' and aims to contribute to two World Water Day objectives: demonstrating the economic and social impacts of integrated approaches to water and energy; and identifying and engaging water-energy stakeholders in developing water-energy linkages. The conference will analyze and evaluate existing UN agency partnerships and discuss the way forward for achieving water and energy security through partnerships.
14 January 2014, Brussels, Belgium 
The effects of social investment on employment and public budgets
This EESC public hearing "The effects of social investment on employment and public budgets" aims at illustrating in practical terms the beneficial effects of investing in the labour market and in social services, as well as emphasising the role to be played by the various players at European and national levels. Alongside with the European Commission, who is expected to present the Roadmap for the implementation of the Social Investment Package, also academics, representatives of companies, social enterprises, both sides of industry and civil society in general are invited to share their knowledge in the area of investment in job creation and social progress.
15 January 2014, Strasbourg, France 
Chartering Into The Future: Euclid Network's Annual Conference
The Euclid Annual Conference will be one of the official side events of the big conference organized by the European Commission “Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your Say!” (Strasbourg, 16- 17 January 2014).
Euclid’s conference will focus on how civil society and social entrepreneurs can mobilize to find solutions together. Whilst attending interactive workshops, the participants will work together to solve five concrete challenges from across Europe. With 100-150 participants expected, it will be a comprehensive experience, focusing on the four Euclid benefits of learning, piloting, advocating and networking.
16 January 2014, Strasbourg, France 
“Social entrepreneurs: have your say!”  
The European Commission, in partnership with the European Economic and Social Committee and the City of Strasbourg, launches a large European interactive event on Social entrepreneurship and the social economy. This is a learning platform with the aim to widely disseminate information and knowledge of what has taken place so far and to inspire European participants to take further the initiatives and actions in which they are involved. This event is more than just another conference – its approach is unique and engaging, allowing participants to work during two days in a participatory way.
16 January 2014, Strasbourg, France
On the occasion of the conference on social entrepreneurship organized by the European Commission (“Social entrepreneurs: have your say”!) , the European Economic and Social Committee and the City of Strasbourg organize the event: "The new technologies that make sense”. Interactive and fun, the event presents technologically innovative social enterprises. The International Space University in Strasbourg opens the doors of its futuristic space for a session  rich in experience.
22-25 January 2014, Davos, Switzerland 
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014
Profound political, economic, social and, above all, technological forces are transforming our lives, communities and institutions. Rapidly crossing geographic, gender and generational boundaries, they are shifting power from traditional hierarchies to networked heterarchies. Yet the international community remains focused on crisis rather than strategically driven in the face of the trends, drivers and opportunities pushing global, regional and industry transformation.
“The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business” is therefore the thematic focus of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014. Its  aim is to develop the insights, initiatives and actions necessary to respond to current and emerging challenges.
23-24 January 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SROI Practitioners Training
Social E-valuator organise a two day SROI practitioners course to explore how social return on investment, the framework and principles, can help answer this. This course is suitable for anyone wanting more than just an introduction to SROI. The course will take place in Amsterdam the 23rd-24th of January. 
23-25 January 2014, Utrecht, The Netherlands 
Geography of Innovation International Conference 2014
The Geography of Innovation Conference provides a forum for discussion to scholars and practitioners interested in scientific, policy and strategic issues concerning the spatial dimension of innovation activities. Plenary sessions, presentations and workshops will gather together some of the world’s leading thinkers that are working on innovation and related dynamics of technological, institutional and geographical change.
In line with the first edition of the conference, held in Saint Etienne (France) in 2012, the main objective of this event is to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines ranging from economic geography, economics, management science, sociology, network theory, regional science and urban studies.
29-30  January 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Culture and Creativity: Europe's regions and cities making a difference
In light of new EU funding opportunities for the period 2014-2020, the Committee of the Regions' conference on 29/30 January 2014 will bring together policy-makers, experts, creative minds and trend watchers, artists and representatives of European associations and international organisations in order to discuss success stories from cultural and creative sectors and their impact on local development.
The event will facilitate 'creative networking' with representatives of selected projects from different cultural and creative institutions, organisations and networks as well as information sessions on the 'Creative Europe' programme.
Europe's creative and cultural sectors represent a significant potential to contribute to the sustainable recovery of the economy and to create jobs. With a share of 4.5% of the EU's GDP and 4% of its workforce, creative and cultural institutions and enterprises are an important and a very dynamic part of the EU economy. Creative sectors face, however, a number of challenges such as a fragmented cultural market and space, namely due to linguistic diversity, the 'digital shift' of art production and dissemination, a difficult access to finance for creative enterprises, and finally, a lack of comparable data. Tackling these challenges can contribute to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs at all levels of government.
29 January 2014. London, UK
The CANn Conference
This conference is designed for anyone involved in providing services and support in finance, accounting and payroll to the voluntary and community sector, as well as trustees and finance workers.
It also provides for up to 8 hours CPD.
30 January 2014, London, UK 
Impact HUB club 
The purpose of Impact HUB Club  is to create a closer network between members of all London Impact Hubs and their friends by sharing projects, ideas, hobbies or interests. The evening travels from one Impact Hub to another every last Thursday of the month (usually!). Every event will have members speaking on a variety of topics using different formats. 
Social enterprise is changing the way we tackle challenges faced by public services. To kick of the first Hub Club of the year join 6 speakers who will share their work, ideas, learnings and passion around the topic of public services and social innovation. 
30 January 2014, London, UK 
1st Transition  Spark Session
TRANSITION project – Transnational Network for Social Innovation Incubation is a 30 month EU funded project aiming at scaling up 300 Social Innovations across Europe. Through a common framework co-created by their  scaling centres European social innovators will be supported going a step further thanks to dedicated intensive design, business, access to finance, legal and other support services. TRANSITION London Spark Session is designed to detect, approach, and inspire social innovators and entrepreneurs and involve them in the scaling up process

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