Non profit

Italy’s “goodness” at risk

The third sector will know whether it has won its 400 million euros back on December 14.

di Staff

A number, a symbol and a word lie at the heart of the battle that is raging between the Italian third sector and the Italian government: 5 x mille. Translated literally it means “5 per thousand” but in practice it refers to a law whereby Italian taxpayers can choose to donate five thousandths of their income tax to a charity, non profit organisation, research institution, hospital or public service of their choice.

The problem is that this year the government, which in previous years set aside 400 million euros to cover the costs of the 5 x mille, has only set aside 100 million euros and thousands of charitable organisations now risk not receiving the money taxpayers have chosen to send them.

A front page editorial in Italy’s leading newspaper, the Corriere Della Sera, calls on government to “Give the 5xmille back to that which is good in Italy” and highlights both the plight of the third sector and Italy’s current political instability. The two are inextricably linked as the government has little more than a week to bump the 5xmille fund back up to 400 million before December 14, a day that may be remembered in history as the day Berlusconi’s government fell.

The centre-right government headed by the media-mogul turned politician has been under fire from all directions ever since Berlusconi was elected in 2008 but a recent scandal involving a teenage club dancer has cast doubts on his ability to govern the country. Members of his coalition have been resigning to back Berlusconi’s former ally, Gianfranco Fini, who sparked this political crisis in July by leaving the prime minister’s party along with 40 others.

A date has been set for the lower houses of government to take a confidence vote. If Berlusconi were to loose the government would fall and flash national elections would be called and the 5xmille would be pushed off the agenda, for good. 

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