Non profit

Italy: useful links

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di Rita Meloni

Agenzia per le Onlus (Agency for Onlus) operates under the direct control of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. It aims at verifying the respect of the ONLUS law, that provides fiscal advantages for non profit organizations.

ACRI Association of Italian Foundations and Savings Banks

CSVnet is the National Coordination of the Voluntary Service Centres

CGM (Consortium Gino Mattarelli) is the biggest consortium that represents the interest of social cooperatives in Italy.

Forum Permanente del Terzo Settore (Third Sector Permanent Forum) is a national organization representing over 100 Italian non profit organisations. It exercises political and social leadership and carries on lobbying activities for the entire nonprofit sector at national and regional government levels. 

The Istituto Italiano della Donazione (IID) aims atpromoting and fostering transparency, integrity, fair management practices in nonprofit organizations.

Sodalitas Foundationestablished in 1995 in association with some corporate and a group of retired executives. It operating as volunteer consultants for companies and non profit organisations. More than 60 corporate are member of Sodalitas.

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