Non profit
Italy: Telethon 2007 to raise 31 million
Italy's greatest TV fundraising initiative, Telethon, in its 18th edition aims to raise more than 31 million euros this year. The show kicks off on Friday 14th
di Staff
Friday 14th to Sunday 16th December: it is during these days that Italian TV and radio, connected to many Italian squares, will launch Telethon 2007. This will be the eighteenth edition of Italy?s most important television fund raising campaign, dedicated to scientific research against genetic disease. The opening, as is dictated by tradition, will be left to Uno Mattina, Italy?s Rai Uno morning programme.
The marathon?s objective is to beat the 30.740.000 euros raised last year. To meet this goal a very determined and motivated team has been brought together. Artists, researchers, stars and sports celebrities will be hosted at the Foro Italico in Rome and the event will be conducted by two big show hosts, Milly Carlucci and Fabrizio Frizzi.
The marathon is performance, amusement, scientific research and hope and it places the spotlight on those patients who must fight against adversity every day. This year Telethon aims to reach an even greater audience by broadcasting on Second Life.
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