
ITALY: Seven milion of euro for Darfur

The Minister for Foreign Affairs will allocate 7,5 milion of euro for the Darfur’s emergency

di Redazione

Patrizia Sentinelli, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs with enabling act to cooperation, announced the donation during the session of the Directional Committee for the cooperation that is been held the 9th of October. The Committee, which has a decision-making role for the Italian cooperation with other countries, intervened also in Bolivia with 25 thousands euro, in Mozambico to substain the State?s budget and in Egypt for the project aimed to defense the rights of children and young woman. The Committee also discussed about local Ngos and approved two important amendments: speeding up the procedures of approval of the Ngos projects and improve working conditions of volunteers engaged abroad.

Partecipa alla due giorni per i 30 anni di VITA

Cara lettrice, caro lettore: il 25 e 26 ottobre alla Fabbrica del Vapore di Milano, VITA festeggerà i suoi primi 30 anni con il titolo “E noi come vivremo?”. Un evento aperto a tutti, non per celebrare l’anniversario, ma per tracciare insieme a voi e ai tanti amici che parteciperanno nuovi futuri possibili.