Italy: San Marino opens up to the disabled
The world's smallest republic, San Marino, has inaugurated its first bank entirely designed to meet the needs of the disabled, an example for Italy to follow
On the 4th of October San Marino inaugurated it?s first bank entirely designed to meet the needs of the disabled. The bank, Credito Sanmarinese, has taken the EU?s Year for equal opportunities for all to the letter and made accessibility, adaptability and visitability the design criteria of their refurbished branch at Domagnano, San Marino.
?An example for all other banks to follow? said Lucio Amati, the bank?s president, who added that ?it is an honour to cut the ribbon together with our Captain Regent, Mirko Tomassoni?.
In fact, Tomassoni, who became Captain Regent of San Marino as of the 1st of October, is disabled himself, after a car accident in 1999. As Captain Regent he aims to make San Marino a place free from architectural barriers; a feat, even in the world?s smallest republic.
Credito Sanmarinese at Domagnano was designed by Marcello Della Rosa and is one of its kind, not just in San Marino, but the rest of Italy as well. All of the architectural features, from the parking lot to the doors, furniture and interior décor, have been thought with wheelchairs in mind. Most importantly, disabled customers will be at the same height as the bank staff, and will be comfortably able to carry out all of their banking operations.
The bank is in Domagnano, San Marino, Via 25 Marzo 71.
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