
Italy: Recycle of paper: objective achieved

Italy has reached 3 years in advance the objective of recovering paper and paperboard stated by Bruxelles

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It is the result of the annual Report, with national figures for recovering and recycling paper and paperboard for the year 2005, realized by Comieco, the National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-based Packaging, presented in Rome on the 11th of July. Comieco is the National Consortium to Recover and Recycle Cellulose-based Packaging, aiming at reaching the objectives set by the Directive 94/62 UE and adopted by the National Legislation. Comieco counts, at present, over 3.500 associated paper companies. In order to realize these objectives the Consortium has undersigned 649 Covenants on separate paper and board collection involving 5797 Municipalities and about 48.5 million Italians. The meeting in Rome about the annual Report has been attended by various personalities, among whom Claudio Romiti, Comieco?s President, Dario Esposito, town Councillor for the Environment of the Municipality of Rome and Daniele Fortini, Federambiente?s President. The meeting will be concluded by Ermete Realacci, President of the Commission for the Environment of the Parliament.

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