Italy: Peace is still an uncomfortable word
The Perugia-Assisi march is back. It will start on the 7th of October and it will be preceded by a week of events dedicated to Africa
di Staff
The Perugia-Assisi march is back. It will start on the 7th of October and it will be preceded by a week of events dedicated to Africa.
The Perugia-Assisi pro-peace march has already begun. On the 15th of September a peace march in Nairobi?s shanty-towns indicated the symbolic start of the demonstration that will see the so called ?peace people? parading between the two cities.
Under the 2007 edition?s slogan, All human rights for all, 623 not for profit associations and 311 public entities have gathered.
?The march is open, anyone can participate? said Francesco Cavalli, who is Councillor for Culture for the city of Riccione and also vice-president of the body that coordinates local entities for peace.
The Perugia-Assisi march will be preceded, from the 1st to the 7th October, by the Week for peace, seven days of cultural initiatives, conferences and debates that this year will concern three issues: Africa, information and nuclear disarmament.
Regions and local entities are also participating in a project called Adopt a population that involves about 130 representatives from associations and administrations from all over the world who are committed to human rights. ?Half of them will be Africans? said Cavalli.
The march will be accompanied by another campaign as well – the campaign for atomic disarmament. ?So that Italy can be free from nuclear weapons? explained Lisa Clark, speaking for a pro-peace association called Beati i Costruttori di Pace. ? In Italy there are 90 US atomic bombs, 50 at Aviano and 40 at Ghedi Torre: according to the treaty of non proliferation of nuclear weaponry adhered to by Italy in 1975 they shouldn?t be there? concluded Clark.
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