Italy: Milan to host 2015 Expo
Milan will host the Universal expo in 2015, proving to the world that it is up to the task of finding innovative and creative solutions for sustainable develoment. This year's topic? Food, of course.
di Staff
If the vitality of a city could be measured by the quantity of books dedicated to it, there is no doubt that now is Milan?s moment. The literature being published today demonstrates two things: that Milan is a city that mobilizes thought; and that it is, in all senses, a big construction site with works in progress. Now that Milan has been nominated as the city for 2015?s Universal Exposition this is even more so.
On the 31st of March at Paris?, Palais des Congrès, the International Bureau of Exhibitions? final votes brought victory to Milan with 86 votes, against the 65 votes for the Turkish city of Izmir.
Sustainable development and the business of food
Sustainable development, and in particular innovation and creativity in the food industry, will be the theme of the Expo in 2015 and Milan?s Mayor, Letizia Moratti, has declared that she will use the event to promote the basic human right to a safe and balanced diet. ?I believed in it, I really believed in it? said Moratti after hearing the good news, ?the universal exhibition will be important for Milan, for Italy and for all the countries that will participate to its creation and whom we will work with?.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore also spoke up in favour of the project, saying Milan deserved support for striving to become one of the most environmentally friendly cities in the world ? although this may come as a surprise to many of Milan?s residents.
To many Milan?s victory is the proof that despite the scandals that make the news ? corruption, food poisoning and political instability ? when Italy wants, it is capable of pulling its act together and having an authoritative international voice.
No lasting landmark
Milan organizers have promised 4.1 billion euros ($6.47 billion) in infrastructure and other investments for their fair. They estimate the event will draw 30 million visitors to the city of 1.3 million people.
But Moratti said Milan would not spend money to create a lasting landmark of the fair as many other cities have done. Instead it would develop a centre for sustainable development to create resources for the rest of the world.
"We are a lucky city and we know we owe something to places that are less lucky than us," she said.
Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Italian Republic said that: ?Milan?s 2015 Expo is a reason for the Italy to be proud. It will ensure that we become committed to the constant search for innovative solutions to improve citizen?s quality of life and to cope with the great challenges that await the planet?.
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