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Italy: IRIS Network the VI edition of Italian Social Enterprise Workshop

The Institute of Research on Social Enterprise (IRIS Network) presents the VI edition of the Workshop on Italian Social Enterprise from 18 to 19 September in Riva del Garda (Trento) Italy.

di Staff

IRIS Network is the Italian research network dedicated to social enterprises. It aims at promoting the role of social enterprises in the Italian economy. The VI edition of the Italian Social Enterprise will take place in Riva del Garda (Trento) 18-19 September and it will focus on management, laws and economics development issues with a special section dedicated to the new policies in favour of social enterprises.

The VI edition will consider the following subject’s are:

Governance: Type of governance direct experiences’ suggestion

Human Resources and their role

Accountability system

Training offers for social entrepreneur

New policies in favor of social enterprises

To find about more IRIS Network IV Workshop download the programme here.

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